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Mark VI

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Everything posted by Mark VI

  1. Has anyone registered the gregjermansucks.com website yet ? Repeat after me. Project or camp fodder, signing for the minimum. 50/50 he's gone by the end of August, like many other UFA's or UDFA's. Lets keep this in perspective.
  2. Plus they always post the video after at BB.com.
  3. Funny how that Rheem article at BB.com comes out a week prior to June 1st. Plus the Bills seem to be shopping around for other options at Kicker. As T-80 recently said, the Bills may have already made up their mind on cutting Lindell. Could Lindell be packing his bags next week ? His cap hit for 2005 is over 1.3 Mil. He would still count 487K towards the 2005 cap, if cut after June 1st ( According to Clumps' cap page on BZ ).
  4. Skipper could have cared less about Ginger and Mary Ann. He didn't call Gilligan " Little Buddie " for nothing.
  5. What a blow to GG's self esteem !
  6. While thinking a couple more Kickers,DL and OT's could be made available, I wonder if the Bills have anyone on the roster they might cut ? Then again, maybe June 1st isn't a big deal anymore and has gone the way of the dodo bird. http://www.sportsline.com/nfl/story/8497639
  7. I read that too fast and thought it said AiO's favorite beer...which is every beer.
  8. Mary got a booster ? Well good for her. How did the meeting go last night. Any highlights ? Did Moorman announce which foot he was going to kick with this year ?
  9. http://www.nasa.gov/vision/universe/solars...oyager_agu.html CNN had a segment yesterday, explaining the journey and provided multiple amazing pictures. Hollywood would probably make a film about it, starring Paris Hilton, Tony Danza, Gary Coleman and Charles Nelson Reilly.
  10. Al Sharpton is flying there as we speak to save the day.
  11. - in his last 24 games in Chicago, he hit just 25 of 43 attempts. Last season, he converted just 15 of 24 kicks. His nine misses were a league high and the 62.5 percent conversion rate was the poorest of his career. -
  12. or honor killings.
  13. The motorcade will be speeding to 320 W. Main within the hour. Priorities.
  14. Billy Pucillo said he has some HUGE deals on Chevys at his car dealership. That's even bigger news !
  15. Maybe not. Rosenhaus believes the sky's the limit with his greed but Eagles owner Jeff Lurie may be sending him a well publicized message by telling Rosenhaus to pound salt with the T.O. holdout. When other players see a big name guy sitting home and not getting paid, how is this good publicity for this agent ? Rosenhaus was in full damage control a week ago when the general press wrote he overplayed his hand with T.O. and Lurie won't give into him.
  16. Is that Phil Spector or Phyllis Diller ?
  17. Reruns of Sid Caesars' Show of Shows were watched frequently by my folks in the 60's and 70's. I always remember the one sketch where they host a dinner party in their studio apt. in New York. The kitchen scene with Morris drying dishes up on the counter while standing is an absolute classic. Everyone acts as if the crowding of each other is no big deal. That's back in the day when writers actually wrote funny material and performed to a live audience. Not like the hacks of today. Time marches on.
  18. Nice to see someone still gives a sh-- about mankind over their own self interests. You're a good Doctor and a good person Rubes. Don't ever change.
  19. I'm going to pin this to the top of the main board for a while for full exposure. Then we'll relocate it to the Tailgate East board. As Steve mentioned, the rate is based on filling up the alloted rooms, so don't procrastinate. The more immediate the response, the better the rate.
  20. The South Park writers are hammering out a new episode as we speak.
  21. I'm surprised you or Dib didn't respond with your dreams of replacing the Jills with nothing but DD bimbo's, turning an afternoon at the Ralph into your own personal Russ Meyer film.
  22. Aren't you supposed to put a sign on your front lawn, saying " Lordy,Lordy, look who's 40 ? ", followed by a bad picture from youth in the local paper ? I thought that was some sort of cretin protocol.
  23. Give myself a 20 million $ bonus. Then catch an afternoon flight to Amsterdam
  24. Eisenhower’s first nominee was Chief Justice Earl Warren –- architect of modern liberal jurisprudence. Nixon’s picks, like Nixon himself, frequently got entangled in scandal. But his first successful associate justice nominee was Harry Blackmun, who was certainly no conservative. Ford gave us one justice: John Paul Stevens –- one of the four members of the court’s liberal wing. Reagan’s first justice was Sandra Day O’Connor, whose nomination sent conservatives into a conclave contemplating, ironically, a filibuster. And George H. W. Bush? His first nominee was David Souter, who, with Stevens, forms half of the court’s current liberal wing.
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