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Mark VI

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Everything posted by Mark VI

  1. Brother Dominic would have been disappointed.
  2. This won't stop AKC and the Posse from visiting. 20 years ago when I was stationed in San Diego ( Navy) , I went to Tijuana and a cop tried to extort $50 from me or he said he'd throw me in jail. We jumped in my friends car and took off before they could react. So I've already been down that road.
  3. I would love to attend the Sat. night session on July 30th and the VIP practice on August 10th. Those Monday night sessions I'll probably miss, with my crazy hours. Hope to catch a few practices during August. Pittsford is such a nice place, despite Rubeo living there.
  4. Mine waves 365 days a year. A standard when you have troops overseas during a military conflict. Never forget.
  5. In NY State, I want the right to shoot all cell phone addicts who can't decide whether to drive or operate a runaway phone booth with zero consideration for other drivers. I see a few folks with the new headsets but far too many are still holding a cell phone to their ear, driving other people off the road while immersed in their useless phone conversations. Cell phones = Adult pacifiers BLAM !
  6. Adam, I'm sorry - Eve
  7. So you admit you feel " funny " ...
  8. Nicole Kidman said they lost the spark after a while but she loves her cats.
  9. Didn't he fail to sell out this venue about 2 years ago, forcing a move to Darien Lake ? Or was that someone else ?
  10. You're MY favorite feminist.
  11. No wonder Madonna broke up with Dennis Rodman.
  12. The South Beach Cruisers. They "open" for Ricky Martin ( no pun intended ).
  13. The Coaches shouldn't be voting anyhow. They don't see enough of other teams in other conferences to offer an opinion. Usually, the vote is actually being made by the schools Sports Information director or someone else. A secret ballot shows a lack of integrity and screams of behind the scenes deal making. With the enormous $$ disparity between a BCS bowl game and a non BCS game, why would anyone wish to be associated with a practice that is a lightning rod for controversy...although ESPN could use all the help they can get in the solid rep dept.
  14. Have a Grouper Sammich. You'll feel better.
  15. You are a horrible human being. Stay away from telephone poles. If you know phone #'s of her friends you are interested in, call them immediately and go out with them. Then you can look at the whole thing in a positive light " Hmm..she did introduce me to Double D Debbie, the incurable nympho who loves the Bills and cooks ! ". If she's pissed at you dating her friends, tell her you're too worn out from sex to fight and limp away.
  16. Someone from Miramax pictures just read that and thought " That's Gold ! " .
  17. You should now go see " The Honeymooners " starring Cedric the Entertainer. Keep that streak going of watching horrid Hollywood remakes.
  18. Captain Happy has spoken.
  19. I'm 6-4 280, Ned. I'll clue you in on something. I don't wear a Medium.
  20. Bill, you will NEVER let go of the Drew issue. He flat out stunk his last 40 games in the Bills uniform, otherwise he'd still be here. The Coaches demanded a change and were not blinded by past stats and glorified, long gone legend status among a minority of fans. He WAS good in his day but Belichick made a change for a very good reason in 2001. He refused to insert DB back into the lineup and looked to Brady to energize his floundering team. With your logic, Brady, a 6th round pick , would have no business being allowed a chance to retain his job, once Bledsoe was healthy. He was completely unproven also. Drew would have cost Belichick his job and was playing poorly. I appreciate what he did for his 3 years here but it obviously wasn't working. I'm a Bills fan first and root for the laundry. It's unconditional allegiance, since I grew up here and have attended well over 300 games in person. It's never conditional, based on certain name players having to wear the uniform. I do NOT attach myself to chosen players and make them bigger than the team. You obviously resent the Losman talk, which can be over the top but it's natural enthusiasm of the fans. I've been watching this team since the 60's and keep an open mind. Change happens and many times, it does work out for the better.
  21. Found it! They have a throwback Kemp jersey up for auction on e-bay. HOME RUN DERBY 83 RONCROFF DRIVE NORTH TONAWANDA, NY 14120 716-693-6291. Call for pricing and all details of the jersey. I love mine. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...5206969387&rd=1
  22. If I can ever find the name of the place that made my Kemp throwback jersey, I will post it. It's a local place in North Tonawanda that get's the jerseys from a place in Texas, then sews on the numbers and name to perfection. Identical to the 1965 jeresy. They are heavy, 100 % stretch poly. Not lightweight mesh. Surprised they didn't put a tag on the jersey. Daninator, can you remember the name ? It would cost somewhere around $150-$175. Mine was a gift, won by my wife on e-bay for $75. ( lucky me ) .
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