Our 9-7 recored was achieved by catching the scheduling break of a lifetime against 6 bad teams in a row, during which we had an inordinate # of ST and Defensive TD's.
Your defense of Bledsoe was understood the first 4000 times you posted it, which absolves him of most all notorious blunders he was directly responsible for. The hundreds of errant passes/one hoppers I witnessed him throwing ( with plenty of time to throw ) was not the fault of the OL but a lack of mechanics and ability. I also did witness the OL blowing many a block during his tenure but know how to differenciate between the 2 instances with this gift God gave me called "eyes".
Your desire to "educate us" about the OL is laughable, as if no one but you could see it over the last few years. Sometimes it's the line, sometimes it's the QB and many times it's both. We ALL get it but don't simplify it by just banging on the line and absolving the QB of everything.
I expect mistakes of inexperience from Losman. I didn't expect rookie mistakes from Bledsoe. Neither did the GM and Coaches, so they sent him packing for some very good reasons such as decision making and ability.