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Mark VI

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Everything posted by Mark VI

  1. What do we sign him as ? A OT a TE or something else ? After all, he can play every position on the team...
  2. It's a big non-issue. Since the Bills cannot win games, the media is now in the Molehills to Mountains conversion business. Otherwise, nobody will pay attention to them.
  3. You mean like Lionel Gates, who has been inactive all year ? He sure showed a good turn of foot and the ability to break tackles in the pre-season. Why hasn't he seen a carry yet this year ? Denver can use 3-4 RB's and all can contribute. Let's see what he's got .
  4. 4 WR, single back, no TE. Mix in some delays/draws to #21. Losman needs to deliver quick, short strikes to counter the rush he will see. The no huddle can be run with #21. But MM will probably prattle on about #21 not fitting in with those Offensive " packages " . ( groan )
  5. I'm surprised no one suggested Peters should be moved there yet. Isn't he supposed to replace everyone ?
  6. Norv must be singing the old Johnny Cash song " I've Been Everywhere " . probably because he's a putz...
  7. 84
  8. Is that you bidding on that yellow schoolbus on ebay motors ?
  9. http://www.gbnreport.com/2006ogs.html http://www.gbnreport.com/2006ots.html Ratings can vary wildly but Gilles of Georgia is everyones favorite Guard prospect. You can watch him this weekend. Many OT's listed will slide inside upon reaching the NFL . The ability to chose from many quality OL prospects in the draft, plus bid on a couple FA Vets like Hutchinson and Bentley, makes this a great year to upgrade the OL. It can be done but TD needs to sober up and be proactive. No more cheap castoffs.
  10. You mentioned the Lombardi Trophy first, instead of 19-0. I wonder why
  11. You're so wise. You're like a miniature Buddha, covered with hair.
  12. The Risk/Reward theory only applies to the playoffs in order to reach/win the Super Bowl. Records never should come into play.
  13. What a load. If Manning or any key Indy player got hurt with the home field advantage already in the bag, Dungy would be destroyed in the press and rightfully so. Ooooooh look, something shiny !
  14. Her husband Patrick asked for some time with Cindy and she refused. Then he filed for divorce. I guess "the cause" was more important than a 28 year marriage. That's all I need to know.
  15. That sure sounds like the bus that was right next to their tailgate.
  16. Our 9-7 recored was achieved by catching the scheduling break of a lifetime against 6 bad teams in a row, during which we had an inordinate # of ST and Defensive TD's. Your defense of Bledsoe was understood the first 4000 times you posted it, which absolves him of most all notorious blunders he was directly responsible for. The hundreds of errant passes/one hoppers I witnessed him throwing ( with plenty of time to throw ) was not the fault of the OL but a lack of mechanics and ability. I also did witness the OL blowing many a block during his tenure but know how to differenciate between the 2 instances with this gift God gave me called "eyes". Your desire to "educate us" about the OL is laughable, as if no one but you could see it over the last few years. Sometimes it's the line, sometimes it's the QB and many times it's both. We ALL get it but don't simplify it by just banging on the line and absolving the QB of everything. I expect mistakes of inexperience from Losman. I didn't expect rookie mistakes from Bledsoe. Neither did the GM and Coaches, so they sent him packing for some very good reasons such as decision making and ability.
  17. If the Colts get too far ahead, expect them to start benching players the last week or even 2 weeks. They are not going to risk their stars for a dumb record.
  18. "They fought hard," Wilson said. "With the material we have and taking everything into consideration, the team played really hard (Sunday). I'm proud of them." One shouldn't be proud of a 4-7 team. It will be interesting how he views his GM & Coach after the Jets game Jan.1st.
  19. Losman is anything at this point, 7 whole starts into his career . What Gregg Easterbrook or any scribe has to say doesn't impress me. I bet I see the Bills play far more often than him and have enough sense to form my own opinions. He's a Buffalo born guy but most scribes get 3rd hand info, when writing their columns. The Bills OL was at least average at times last season. Inconsistent but opportunities were there. This year they've completely collapsed in pass blocking and struggle to open any holes for the running game. Glad the brain farting Bledsoe is gone. (Nice TD pass to Champ Bailey on Thanksgiving..er...it's the OL ! ). Year 13 and still dumb as ever. Screw his QB rating. It's about playing big with the game on the line. Remember the Steelers finale last year ? The final nail in the coffin of blunders. Losman needs to play and hopefully won't get killed behind this current swiss cheese line.
  20. I'd " Pepper " that redhead with Chloroform and get busy..not haul ass with can of soda...
  21. " I would do anything for love...but I won't do that ..." The guy looks like Zorro anyhow...
  22. " Satisfaction " was brought to you by Viagara...
  23. I'm picturing a paw print...
  24. DT ? You mean Dental Technician ? Hmm... his salary seems out of line..
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