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Mark VI

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Everything posted by Mark VI

  1. ..at the Erie County holding center...
  2. Dallas was 7-3 and on cruise control. Then Bledsoe remembered who he was. Oh wait. Blame the bad coach,OL,RB,WR's, TE,D, fans...
  3. Holcomb. What a complete FRAUD. Good backup. That's why he was signed !
  4. Nope. Otherwise, Babyrock would have had another bodyguard. I like her dad a lot. I watched it locally with KTFABD. It was PAINFUL !
  5. Understood. I still can't stand our Coach. Who hired him again ?
  6. If we find a partner, I still say trade down. Pick up an extra 3rd, giving us 5 first day picks.
  7. No ! Stay the course ! Everything is fine !
  8. I understand the injury angle. But Losman wasn't listed as questionable. He could have played and SHOULD have gone in during the 1st half. There may be a question to whether Losman is our our future but we'll never know if we keep benching him. There is NO QUESTION that Kelly Holcomb is NOT our future and nothing more than a decent backup, after today. I hate noodle arm, limited QB's. 5 wins 11 losses
  9. As bad as TD is, MM is 10 times worse ! But since TD hired him, they're a package deal. BYE BYE !
  10. What a complete Friggin joke. This team HAS talent and in todays Cap age, COACHING IS the difference. Anyone that thinks MM is handling this team correctly is absolutely high. The ONLY reason Holcomb started today was to help MM save his job. That failed, so what's the reasoning behind keeping him now ? He's the WORST coach in our division by 100 miles.
  11. Mularkey wasted a Losman start by playing a CAREER NOODLE ARM BACKUP QB to help save his job. The result was a loss to a 3-12 team with a 3rd string QB. Sharp thinking ! How many times did we see a 3rd down throw to an underneath receiver, way short of the end zone or first down. Nice playcalling ! 5-11. Lets justify everything, based on the Cinci victory. Didn't Cinci get absolutely steamrolled again today ? MAYBE , that one win was indeed a fluke! Let's completely forget the other 5-7 winnable games we were BADLY outcoached! TD is great ! Mularkey is the 4th best coach in a 4 team division ! I am 100 % sure the local fan base that buys tickets and actually knows WTF is going on is NOT happy ! DON'T CHANGE ANYTHING ???
  12. Only Ralph knows for sure. We're all guessing, despite all the baseless gossip.
  13. Are you 100 % sure Mularkey will be his HC ?
  14. Great. Another Vermeil press conference with him blubbering all over the place. Must miss TV.
  15. I must be watching a different game. Rivers looks like a bad backup to me. Noodle arm and limited mobility. Chad P. Jr.
  16. Mmmm. Sam Adams and a cheeseburger garbage plate. Extra hot sauce. Doesn't that sound yummy ?
  17. Back in the day ( 70's - early 80's ) I'd go home from the Ralph for a quick shower and change of clothes. Then straight to the Aud for the 7pm Sunday game. I'm sure many of the older folks here can relate. God, I miss being young.
  18. I'd take Missouri QB Brad Smith late on day 2 of the draft. 8,000 + yards passing. 4,000 + yards rushing. Last I checked, that's called productive. Antwaan Randle El Jr.
  19. The Gophers are like the Broncos of College football. They have one of the smallest OL in college football, averaging between 270-300 lbs. But they all can pull, trap and blast the opposing DL back a couple of yards. Always seem to have a RB or 2 with big rushing numbers and a high scoring offense. Sometimes, I wonder about these 340 guards and 370 tackles and look at Denver as a better example of OL. The Broncos line looks to be still going good in the 4th quarter, while the opposing OL's and the big DL they block seemed to be spent. Setterstrom and Gopher C Greg Eslinger ( Outland Trophy winner ) will probably be very solid pros. They will be knocked for their size and will probably add 10 lbs. within their first year. Still, they can flat out play. Solid mid round picks
  20. Bastard ! Quit trying to flatten the tires of this bandwagon.
  21. Those poor Dolphin cheerleaders. They must be so lonely, with 95 % of the Dolphin male fans being hardcore flamers.
  22. We have zero shot at him but I guess it's OK to dream.
  23. Phil Savage. We can now close this thread. I'm right.
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