Unfortunately, the owner may be taking the easy way out. Offer up TD to the masses and just shuffle Modrak into his chair, keeping Dunderhead as Coach.
A new DC and OC ? Mularkey reminds me of GW in his lame duck year. Who wants to come here with a HC on shaky grounds ? The teams with new HC's will attract the good coordinators, knowing HC's get 2-3 years to show something.
Mularkey must give up ALL playcalling to someone else. I've seen enough bad swing passes to Shelton to last a lifetime. Wyche may be his only option at OC. Call the plays from upstairs, with the old Benglas playbook from the late 80's, early 90's. ...and get a F#*king TE into the playbook, for the love of God. Everett finally gets to play. Outside of our obvious OL/DL needs, I would draft another TE, since Campbell,Euhus,Nuefeld etc. are complete junk.