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Mark VI

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Everything posted by Mark VI

  1. Hasletts rep is so overrated. That 2000 10-6 year was long ago. ( Hell, Jauron once had a 13-3 year ) The Saints underachieved for 4 years and he looked lost on Offense, despite having a OL full of talent and good RB's. I could care less that he once played here and always considered him a dim bulb who lacked composure. Not impressed at all. And the Bills still haven't scheduled an interview for him. Maybe that " informal contact " ( him begging ) didn't go well.
  2. The local news announced the above interviews at 6pm. No Haslett interview on the horizon yet. Yet he's begging for the job in the press. Hmmm...
  3. Peter King is a friend of Bob Kraft, so the response is hardly a shock. Bottom line. They lost BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !
  4. Don't bring back those memories.
  5. I saw Ralph at the blood bank, making a withdrawl.
  6. He could be the OC for Ham Sandwich.
  7. pssst...soap box is in the back, if you want a quickie...
  8. I want Royal Sub. He comes with extra everything and is proven to be far more successful. Ham Sandwich would just surround himself with Webers and 12 grain to disguise all his shortcomings.
  9. Rotoworld...Wow ! Can't argue with that source.
  10. Great. So it could have been Terry Miller or even Carrot Top.
  11. Which one has shiny buttons on his suit coat ? He's the one !
  12. Ham Sandwich has a Rye sense of humor. Don't believe him.
  13. hmmm...a young QB could use one ? Think the new 80 year old guy might know this ?
  14. Good luck at Seattle. Maybe Alexander will still have a headache. If not, Steve Smith will have to carry the team again.
  15. They could block well and actually find a seam downfield to catch the ball for big gains. Some could even score Touchdowns. I seem to remember the Bills using one, many years ago. A rumor is that our HC who just quit was a TE for 9 years in the NFL. Yet I never saw one block or being used this past season. 3 stooges named Campbell, Euhus and Nuefeld had TE next to their name but never did a thing. I guess our ex-coach was dumber than I thought. These playoff coaches seem to have some good TE's. We should go shopping and get one or two of those. They seem to help teams win.
  16. Wow. The clock ran out and the Refs missed the delay of game call, prior to the INT. That was a non-play. Incredible.
  17. Calling the extra point good was the capper.
  18. Thank you Ritz Ditka
  19. Look, I'm a loyal Buckeye fan who never misses a game but not blind to reality. I realize who is returning on Offense but they are losing almost everyone on D. Too many first year starters on D means they will have to win 35-28 most weeks and that will eventually catch up to them. I'm thinking 7-9 wins but hoping I'm wrong and they surprise me. QB Smith is usually good for a couple bad games each year. Talented but erratic and prone to turnovers. Don't leave Penn St. out of that Top 10. Loaded with good young players.
  20. How is Steve Smith so wide open ?
  21. You're right. People here would have stormed the jail 90 minutes ago.
  22. Smile at the hidden camera everyone !
  23. Fodder that will be going to NFL Europe in the Spring...never to be heard from again.
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