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Mark VI

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Posts posted by Mark VI

  1. They're cosidering Orange County (Anaheim) as a location for the stadium. If they put a team in OC and call it the LA anything, a shitstorm will hit SoCal.



    Notice how LA is about the only city looking seriously into aquiring an NFL franchise these days. 10 years ago, seems half a dozen cities were talking about it. Then the stock market Rosen hit and the NFL franchise fee soared. That elimated a lot of dreamers.


    I have a friend who keeps insisting the Bills will be gone in a couple years. I always ask him " where are they moving to ? " and he always wants the conversation to end without answering. Just a cynical thinker. There are no more Baltimore's out there, ready to sell the city dry for 20 years. Taxpayers won't allow it anymore.

  2. If you're worried it might be Buffalo, rest easy. The candidates for moving are Indy, New Orleans, Arizona, San Diego and Minnesota. Plus Al Davis is all set to sue anyone who returns to the LA area, since he still owns the territorial rights. He never wished to return to Oakland.


    We're fine for now.

  3. I don't think his development is severely damaged, not in the age of all year round " organized workouts " and mini-camps. He'll be back around Thanksgiving. He got hurt. I think many here are dealing with it rationally. They know Bledsoe is our Starter this year and Mularkey wants to pound the ball .


    Losman will be fine. His opportunity for 2005 and beyond will not be jeopardized. I have no idea what TD and the Coaches have planned beyond 2004. I'm just looking forward to a good 2004 season. A season where Losman didn't figure in.

  4. You guys are amazing! A number 1 draft pick goes down with a broken leg, and you're trying to put a ridiculous positive spin on it. The fact is that Losman IS the QB of the future (what may have been by mid season) and now his rookie year is going to be a total wash out. This delays his progress almost a year. He can't practice or mop up for what has clearly been the same horrendous Drew as last year.


    Now, we're stuck with Drew for entire games, no matter how bad. . . and we all remember last year just how bad it can get.


    There cannot be a positive to have a #1 draft pick go down with a broken leg. Some of you are living in a fantasy world and have lost touch with reality. This is an 8-8 team at best.



    Thank God you came along to set us straight.

  5. If you think Bills fans are very unenthusiastic, then explain why Scrimmage & Open Practice tickets were gone in less than 15 minutes? Explain why a PRESEASON game sold out.  Explain why all 8 regular season games are either sold out or very close to being sold out. Why is it that all suites were renewed and 98% of the club seats were renewed for the next 5 years? How come the JP Losman injury was the lead story on two of three of the local stations on the 11pm news last night? Why do tons of people complain that they can't get into the parking lots more than 4 hours before a 1pm game? I could go on. Obviously, you do not live in WNY.  It's all Bills, all the time. Don't gauge the vast majority of Bills fans and what they think by the views expressed on this board or what you hear on WGR. WGR has the same 20 callers every day and the station is in the business of creating controversy, otherwise nobody would listen.



    Bullseye. Excellent post.

  6. If we had lost Jennings with the big injury, I would have been thinking " Boy , I hope Marcus Price is healed and ready to start ". Losman is a tough blow but isn't going to cost us any games, since he was ticketed for clipboard duty and learning from Clements and Wyche. I didn't foresee a quick hook of Bledsoe from this coaching staff. Since Sam sits up in the press box for games, it would be wise to sit Losman right next to him and let him learn the offense. Probably find a Vet before the opener.


    Meanwhile, I've seen improvement in Bledsoes game this summer. Still see the occasional pat of the ball but that's hypercritical . The accuracy and quality throws are hard to ignore. In the practices and 2 games I've witnessed, I've walked away encouraged. I'm well aware of his history and habits and never hesitated to rip him last season. Still, if the Bills stick to the run and quick pass, his mistakes are cut down drastically. So far, the coaching staff has stuck to their guns and that's a good thing. Seeing improvement in our O Line against the Titans just adds to my confidence.


    Let's see. Bledsoe looks more confident and sharper. The O Line is slowly improving and giving Bledsoe a pocket. Moulds and Josh Reed look sharp. Solid at RB. TE's are OK. Lindell looks better. The Coaching seems MUCH better. The Defense still looks pretty good. The Special teams looks tons better. No starters with major injuries as of now.


    I guess I'm just one of those Optimistic fans who sees the glass more than half full. Silly me. :flirt::unsure:


    Lets get through these next 2 practice games healthy and ready ourselves for Jacksonville.


    GO BILLS !

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