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Mark VI

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Everything posted by Mark VI

  1. I hate the Canon Bubblejets. Got one, the 4300, and it sucked. Then received a newer one as a gift after the first one died. It was even worse. I now have the Epson C84 and it works great. I believe it was less than $100.
  2. Friggin' Work...I'll be stuck there on Friday. Oh well. Dannys on Saturday... Game on Sunday.... I'll take it.
  3. The guy is wearing the shirt.
  4. That means Robin and Nick,hardcore Bills fans, are regulars here. Nice to know. Wonder what screen name they use ?
  5. My sister just bought a Sony Wega 24 inch for $297, including tax . The picture and sound quality is fantastic.
  6. That was SDS's guess, prior to the Pats opener last year. How did that turn out ?
  7. He's entitled to his opinion. It seems he has regurgitated this exact same article every 2 months for the last year. I guess if you repeat it enough, many of the brain dead lemmings will decide it is fact, rather than thinking for themselves. With the NFL Ticket, even the out of town fans who never come with a thousand miles of Orchard Park can watch the Bills and see for themselves what our team is all about. Many of the locals, like myself, get see them even more in practices and scrimmages. In short, we watch the Bills far more often than Sullivan and that gives us a solid foundation to form our own, objective outlook of this team. I'm well aware hiring GW was a mistake. The 17-31 record. Blah,blah,blah... Repeating it ad nauseum doesn't display any great wisdom. TD is under pressure. Really ? No kidding. ..."TD is not a genius".. Who said he was ?... Some callers on WGR or a couple letter writers in the Sunday paper ? So what ? They're fans, full of biased opinions, much like Sullivan himself. The whole article stinks of an agenda with revenge in mind. No balance whatsoever. I wish to read something better than this drivel. It resembles something spoken by a bitter obnoxious drunk at the local saloon. You have eyes. Think for youself.
  8. Hmmm...damn school system ruined us . We could Make a screwdriver before Using one !
  9. I'll remember not to check my TV if she shakes her head and a sudden gravel shifting sound comes through in stereo.
  10. 80 % of the callers just whine and complain. Misery needs an audience.
  11. Drew Bledsoe, London Fletcher, Takeo Spikes and Coy Wire ( ST's ). Selected by the players in a team vote. Sorry if this has already been posted.
  12. My wife is a teacher in Ken-Ton. Day #2 of school and they are closed !
  13. Someone in my 12 team league took Jake Plummer with the #6 overall pick! Any good ones from your draft ?
  14. That's why Teague got the 2 Mil bonus. Versatility. He has improved more than anyone from last season. He definitely can play Tackle..how well is another story but at least he has played the position. In a pinch, I suppose they could slide Teague outside and put in Tucker at Center.
  15. Rain just started last night. We had our best weather of the Summer for the last week +. The average day was 80 and sunny. Was in the pool every day.
  16. He grew up in Kenmore, like Guffalo and myself. Being a drunk is a given.
  17. Cloudy and a small chance of rain/thunderstorms. May have an entirely different forcast in a couple days. Prepare wisely, Tailgaters. BTW - be happy it's not today. My neighborhood is flooded out. Took me 40 minutes to get to work ( 7 minutes on a normal day ). Had to get on the thruway and come in the back way to work. Saw abandoned cars everywhere, trying to go thru lakes and losing the engine. Rain is just blasting us and the storm drains cannot keep up. Had a little trickle of water in the basement. May have a lot more, when I get home after lunchtime.
  18. I'm looking forward to meeting Nick Bakay, Gregg Easterbrook, Wolf Blitzer and Tim Russert. They're coming...right ?
  19. He's a great athlete. Whether he can progress from a Phonics book to a Playbook is his biggest obstacle. The Practice squad is perfect for him. With Jennings testing the FA market after this season, we need more bodies at OT than aging Marcus Price and raw Dylan McFarland. I believe Price is a FA also, now that I think of it. He could probably be re-signed to a reasonable contract for a couple years, as a solid transition option. Getting Peters to work with McNally may be a minor blip at present but may be a wise long term plan that should start soon. We don't need any more TE's. We need Tackles for 2005. Bet we pick at least 2 next April. Get Peters some work at Tackle now, not just McFarland. After Schobel signed the big contract today, I just can't see "Ol' Whitey " throwing huge $$ at Jennings.
  20. Get ready for a huge letdown...
  21. Color me scarlett and grey with envy ! Awesome !
  22. After reading the KFFL sentence structure, I'm thinking you're overpaid.
  23. Denney will still play a lot. He'll never be the player once envisioned but players who still see dozens of snaps every game and contribute aren't " Busts " . Those failures get cut.
  24. Yeah... Eating all his food.
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