He's entitled to his opinion. It seems he has regurgitated this exact same article every 2 months for the last year. I guess if you repeat it enough, many of the brain dead lemmings will decide it is fact, rather than thinking for themselves.
With the NFL Ticket, even the out of town fans who never come with a thousand miles of Orchard Park can watch the Bills and see for themselves what our team is all about. Many of the locals, like myself, get see them even more in practices and scrimmages.
In short, we watch the Bills far more often than Sullivan and that gives us a solid foundation to form our own, objective outlook of this team.
I'm well aware hiring GW was a mistake. The 17-31 record. Blah,blah,blah... Repeating it ad nauseum doesn't display any great wisdom. TD is under pressure. Really ? No kidding. ..."TD is not a genius".. Who said he was ?... Some callers on WGR or a couple letter writers in the Sunday paper ? So what ? They're fans, full of biased opinions, much like Sullivan himself.
The whole article stinks of an agenda with revenge in mind. No balance whatsoever.
I wish to read something better than this drivel. It resembles something spoken by a bitter obnoxious drunk at the local saloon.
You have eyes. Think for youself.