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Mark VI

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Everything posted by Mark VI

  1. I had a root canal 10 days ago. I'm even more crabby now. I don't blame the Coach. I blame the " Star " players who can't make plays in the clutch.
  2. Consider it done, brother ! Hang in there, Bill . What are the symptoms ?
  3. " The Man " didn't listen to me. I prayed for a win !
  4. No he's not !
  5. If that's how you think, then Fug you ! Agreed. Typical of this place after a loss..
  6. I had a flashback to a Peter Weller movie from the 80's " Buckaroo Bonzi " . His charater was just like that.
  7. The "prevent defense" philosophy always prevents the Bills from winning. You win by doing what worked all day.... Attacking/Blitzing.
  8. As a Buckeye and Bills fan, it pains me to agree...but you are right. He has been burned repeatedly for the last 2 years and is not worth the big $$. You have to play big during crunch time and he continues to Fug up.
  9. He made 1 Mil a year as our Coach. He's making 1.8 Mil as the Skins Def. Coor. I'd high five everything in sight if I got a 800K raise to work an easier job.
  10. I just purchased a dozen hangmans nooses for my state of the art gallows. This post is a huge buzzkill..
  11. It's all about the tailgate. I believe our players are overwhelmed with Kingsford charcoal fumes and aren't real men. The Bills should draft more guys from WNY who are better at Drinking and Grilling. We are a stout bunch in the tundra.
  12. Excellent post.
  13. Mike Patrick had a bypass recently. Summeral is filling in for a couple games.
  14. I thought of the final scene of Monty Pythons Life of Brian when I saw your post title. Can't stop whistling..
  15. What was even worse was the local radio call with Murphy was a good 5 seconds behind the actual action. The tape delay was completely screwed up by the production crew. I turned my headphones off after a short while.
  16. Pssst. I heard you and Sullivan were getting along in the WGR tent.
  17. Happy Birthday, Kelly ! Great seeing you yesterday.
  18. Your big players are paid Big $$ for a reason. It's to make plays when the game is on the line. Clements has been consistently whiffing for 2 years in these situations. Moulds fumbles twice...Bledsoe misses an open Shelton for 6 ( bad play call BTW..3 and 1 yard from the end zone ) Key players coming up small in critical points of the game.. Like Badol said, I'm ready to blow this team up and start fresh. I want a core of guys that will take us to the post-season and win. Not just win a few games each year. They seem to lack heart and fire in the belly.
  19. I remember that and said the same thing to Steve. We're in the red zone ( choking ) and the folks are doing the wave. Maybe they knew what was coming..
  20. A vanilla game plan and a number of negative plays from some of your core players you depend on ( Moulds,Clements,Fletcher ) .
  21. Fletcher played well yesterday, yet Jay is correct in being upset over an idiotic lack of poise by one of our Team Captains and core players, as far as salary is concerned. This isn't the first time he's done this. Hurt the opposition, not your own team with a selfish fit.
  22. The post would be far more effective if you could spell "Whining" correctly... Then again, after seeing the thread title, I doubt it...
  23. Funny how you, Bob, myself and others see the same thing. We are still there every week, every year, cheering them on. People think we're just smarting in defeat but we've been calmly talking about this for a while. You can just see it in this team. The makeup of bonafide leaders is lacking. We watch the bench and no one is going around firing up the rest of the team. This doesn't seem to bother them. They'll win their share but not nearly enough. The core players who are making the big $$ are small time in the clutch. The purest definition of Mediocrity.
  24. What can I say?. I've been going to the games since the AFL days at the Rockpile. I don't think there is any question that while this organization has enjoyed various degrees of success, they seem to have more heartbreaking losses than any other team in NFL history. Both teams played bad football for long stretches and still, we had every opportunity to put away the Jags. Came down to 1 play about 4 times...and we failed each time. The playcalling was absolutely putrid and I correctly guessed most of the plays from the stands. Every time Aiken came in at WR, you were telling the world it was a running play. Certain formations pointed to Moulds as the target. Other screamed of a Henry sweep. Lets hope Mularkey,Clements and Co. learned a hard lesson in defeat. The D played well most of the game but couldn't make the plays when it counted in the last 2 minutes. The Tailgate was the highlight and seeing literally 100 + people from this board is always a treat. An interesting observation from Buffalo Bart, a wise old sage. Maybe the problem is that we're missing that one individual ( or more ) who has the spirit and fire in his belly that the rest of the team feeds off of. We have many good to very good players...but when these type of games arise, we don't have anyone who fires up this team and doesn't accept these type of bad results. Jim Kelly had his faults but his spirit, leadership and guts were never in question. Drew didn't lose us the game today and this is not a shot at him whatsoever. But I'm starting to think that Mr. Losman may have what we've been missing all along. The great intangible of fire and swagger that an entire team can get behind. It's still a team game and multiple players need to contribute to a winning effort. ( Plus good coaching )..But I didn't see the raw emotion that used to be the norm in the late 80's to mid 90's. I do see it in other winning teams, like the Pats.. We've been looking for that swagger ever since. The difference maker can be a special player. I'm thinking #7 has that look . We must wait to see if this team can find an identity in the meantime. I hope this organization finally has the brains to give Losman his fair shot next year and energize this team. I keep looking up and down the bench for that one magic spark, which Kelly used to provide. It's not there. Lots of followers... Losman was drafted with that in mind. In the meantime, our Coaching staff has to realize how to utilize the roster correctly and grasp a sense of urgency. It's only the opener...but the fire is missing.. I think we're all a little tired of settling for average and more than our share of heartbreaks...
  25. I'm at work. Always have to work 2-3 hours early Sunday morning. Will be at Hammers lot by 8am to see everyone. Can't wait !
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