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Mark VI

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Everything posted by Mark VI

  1. Belichick. He wins more than the others.
  2. Great news, Bill. Will Millie be having a procedure to correct the nerve damage ?
  4. Um.... they're already being sued, like the post stated.
  5. This is the message that the Pacific Palisades High School (California) Staff voted unanimously to record on their school telephone answering machine. This came about because they implemented a policy requiring students and parents to be responsible for their children's absences and missing homework. The school and teachers are being sued by parents who want their children's failing grades changed to passing grades even though those children were absent 15-30 times during the semester and did not complete enough school work to pass their classes. This is the actual answering machine message for the school: "Hello! You have reached the automated answering service of your school. In order to assist you in connecting the right staff member, please listen to all your options before making a selection: To lie about why your child is absent - Press 1 To make excuses for why your child did not do his work- Press 2 To complain about what we do - Press 3 To swear at staff members - Press 4 To ask why you didn't get information that was already enclosed in your newsletter and several flyers mailed to you - Press 5 If you want us to raise your child - Press 6 If you want to reach out and touch, slap or hit someone - Press 7 To request another teacher for the third time this year- Press 8 To complain about bus transportation - Press 9 To complain about school lunches - Press 0 If you realize this is the real world and your child must be accountable and responsible for his/her own behavior, class work,homework, and that it's not the teachers' fault for your child's lack of effort...hang up and have a nice day!"
  6. An added bonus to the Bledsoe bobblehead, his left hand pats the ball with rapid speed..
  7. See ? They know how to beat the blitz !...Unlike us. We just blame the OL and never adjust our playcalling.
  8. Right on Tater. If I don't feel angina coming on, it's not done correctly. Pile on that cheese ! More Webers !
  9. Turkey legs over fried bologna... I hate him !
  10. Now I feel vindicated...and refreshed !
  11. Which Mark are we speaking of ?
  12. I bet T-Bone has said that a few times..
  13. I was looking for a good Wine for Dinner. I accidently typed in " Buffalo Whine " in the search engine and this was the first match .
  14. You'd make a great juror.
  15. Damn Right ! I want those 40 oz's back also ! Plus Blue Grass music over the PA !
  16. I bet you're a fried bologna hater, like TD !
  17. He recently became a Volunteer Fireman.
  18. Typical highbrow wannabe.
  19. He used to eat fried bologna, prior to the games. Not available anymore.
  20. TD's Biggest Blunders, since 2001 : 1. Fried Bologna vanishing 2. Not opening the Bills Parking Lots until 9am 3. Removing 40oz. Red Bulls from the Clubs 4. Kettle Corn no longer available 5. Hiring GW in that order...
  21. WHAT ! TAKE THAT BACK ! TD Apologist !
  22. I pay good $$ for a Club seat. I don't like showing up for the opener and finding out you messed with the menu in my Club. No more Fried Bologna sandwiches, 40 oz. Red Bulls or Kettle Corn ! Quit trying to class up the menu with sorbet and lobster dainties, you high brow BASTARD ! I asked the drooler behind the food counter " WTF " ? He tells me " That white haired dictator counts the mustard packets ! He's a control freak ! " You can F#@K up the roster all you want but this is the LIMIT ! FIRE TD !
  23. He's driving a " Hummer "
  24. It's Not Drew!...wait...It Is Drew !....wait...
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