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Mark VI

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Everything posted by Mark VI

  1. Nosferatu, the 1922 German silent film by F.W. Murnau . The best adaptation of Bram Stokers' Dracula.
  2. He was destoyed with that combo. Just watched the replay. Knocked out cold in round 9 . After this and the Tarver fight, he looks done as a contender.
  3. Just wait for the debates, if you want to see Kerry stutter. He'll have to read his notes very quickly to see where he actually stands on issues . Talking about his war record for months has him ill-prepared for debating anything more than his menu selection for dinner. The Dems completely tossed away any chance of getting out a message. I'm sure they can give a quick call to Michael Moore and his Hollywood Lib friends for a last ditch, desperate Prime Time Special. " Tree Huggers For Kerry ! "
  4. Go to a fall festival on Saturday with the family. Dinner in the evening. Clean out garage on Sunday.
  5. As a loyal Buckeye fan, I feel your pain Mike. I did buy a nice Buckeyes hooded sweatshirt today while shopping. Still, my 2 teams are idle, so the garage will get cleaned out this Sunday. Could care less about the other NFL games. Busy with the family Saturday.
  6. She was either psycho or you were the girlfriend she always wanted.
  7. Being that your handle starts with "detox", I find that amusing.
  8. Drew is a Tony Orlando fan. Has lots of Oak trees with yellow ribbons at the Montana homestead. It's his subconscious mind.
  9. Why is Sam Aiken coming into the game, telling the entire world that we are running on the next play ?? We are waaaaaaay too predictable. I like Shaw and Evans must be used more. Our playcalling needs vast improvement.
  10. There's some irony in that statement.
  11. The only " Ratings " they get are with regional cable deals. When a game is carried nationally by ESPN or ABC, they garner lower ratings than a dog show. That sport cannot justify any salary higher than 2-3 Mil a year. The gate and major TV network revenue is not there. Ever go to a Sabres game during the week ? They're lucky if 7,000 people are in the stands. They have trouble selling out on Friday nights.
  12. I'd leave change on the dresser
  13. I wish to have a team that is building towards making the postseason and able to make something happen, once they get there. I look at the so called feature players of this team and cannot see these guys doing it. Since I don't lock on to certain players and declare them sacred cows, like many here, I'm willing to put in some younger guys on offense once November rolls around. They have an upside. I already know some big name players cannot do the job and are past their prime... We have to win 10 of our last 14 to think postseason or 9 of 14 to have a respectable year. I don't see it with some of the current " stars " on offense. Winning one game isn't nearly enough. I'll watch and cheer but remain guarded in my optimism.
  14. Great stories. At the Jets game this past December, I drank a Blue with Page Falkenburg ( Diamond Dallas Page ) inside the MaGuire Club. Said his neck was heeling and he'd like one more run before retiring. He's a couple years older than me. (45). I'm 6-4 and felt small next to him. He's like 6-7 and his arms were just HUGE. Couldn't have been any nicer. Others would walk up to shake his hand . He just shot the bull with me for about 10 minutes, drinking his beer. Asked him about his smoking hot wife, Kimberly ( drool ) . Said she was getting modeling gigs all the time and was doing well.
  15. Defensive driving at all times. Labatt, you should see what it's like in Southern California, Florida and the D.C. Beltway. Places I've lived outside of WNY. It's an adventure of survival every day ! WNY is NOTHING compared to those areas. I do hate the 33 and 198 in Buffalo. Thank God my work drive is 7 minutes and all sidestreets doing 30 mph. So you drink a lot of Blue and have road rage. Slow down.
  16. Britney had it annuled
  17. Because they realize we picture them in a rubber cell, wearing a suitcoat with 4 sleeves.
  18. Pathetic. So you pimp Meads situation for attention ?
  19. Good Lord ! Couldn't you send a PM ? It's lunchtime for Gods sake ... Is this another " Look at Me " thread ?
  20. Your sensible, balanced logic has no place on this board !
  21. Sing along with "Drew and the Apologists" " Let there be Peace On Earth...and let it begin with ME ... "
  22. Have a great day and make sure The Saint spoils you rotten. PB&J sandwiches won't cut it today.
  23. What we think is irrelevant . The Bills are 0-2 and 8-26 since the mid-point of the 2002 season. Actions speak louder than words. Time for the apologists to go take a hike. Changes are needed soon to get us moving in the right direction. I don't care about the F#*king excuses anymore.
  24. lenny in sloan was classic ! I wish you would bring that back.
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