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Mark VI

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Everything posted by Mark VI

  1. I never watched one episode of Friends. Latently gay TV characters don't interest me.
  2. RIP the feeder guppies I just placed inside the fish tank. I think the bigger fish are hungry......too late ! I'll be posting a Paypal account for sympathy donations shortly..
  3. Which proves that nitwits can still Rosen a good party...pardon the pun.
  4. Can we stone YOU today ? Stevestojan is getting boring .
  5. Your in my thoughts today,Cindy. You are NEVER alone.
  6. hmm..that sounds familiar.
  7. I worked for Naval Intel in the D.C. area - They gave us bumper stickers that said " Spy Navy ". Anyone ever see those on cars ?
  8. Woohoo ! 5-0 ! Bowl game on the horizon. I taped the game and will watch it today. Beaming with pride.
  9. Go Navy ! I used to go to some of their games. Watch their QB,Aaron Polanco. He will throw and run for 100 yards. Exciting player. The Anti-Bledsoe.
  10. I'm voting for Guest ! Who's with me !
  11. It's POLLS, Mr. Ejamacation. I take it Kerry is getting your vote.
  12. I'll start taking a goose step class now. The next generation is the Apathy generation.
  13. But only if we can use the remote control and watch it in TiVo !
  14. "Hello Pot" "Hello Kettle"
  15. Now the kids won't drink milk without cocktail umbrellas.
  16. A couple of Presidential debates during a very critical time in our nation may interrupt people watching Survivor or the Apprentice. Now I've heard it all. The Darwin Award winners must just flock to this place.
  17. All that cheap heinz ketchup killed his liver.
  18. There were no MILF's in the Bremen days !
  19. Yes indeed, I saw this babe in the hall with the biggest...no wait..I'm losing my train of thought ! ...and it was in 1443 that the first Nosferatu was born. That name rings like the cry of a bird of prey. Never speak it aloud... Men do not always recognize the dangers that beasts can sense at certain times !
  20. Nosferatu! That name alone can chill the blood! Nosferatu! Was it he who brought the plaque to Bremen ???
  21. The A-list basically SPECULATES ! Acccording to them , 80 % of Hollywood is gay.
  22. Why do I have a predisposition for telekinetic occurences ? Why is my natural circadian rythem to be up nights and sleep days ? Why was I born with fangs ?
  23. Parker should know about bad Offensive Line play. That's like asking Randall Tex Cobb about how to take a punch.
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