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Mark VI

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Everything posted by Mark VI

  1. Mark VI doesn't do the nerd scene..
  2. Too many kids would be hard for old folks like you. People who talk about themselves in the 3rd person are usually older twits with little tolerance for youngsters. One ran for President " Bob Dole eats blue pills and has a woody. " Case in point.
  3. I share the frustration.
  4. That's just what TD wants you to think. The plan is working !
  5. What a difference a year makes. Last year, the Pats fans were all gone by the 4th quarter, hiding on their buses.
  6. I find lots of irony in this post. Your board name is what I'm looking forward to and you're slamming the "fans" for wishing otherwise.
  7. Buff News said this morning he left the stadium and his locker was cleaned out ! Speculation abounds ! If he hurt his knee bad, will this be the end ?
  8. Wait until the last 4-5 games. He's our future and must not be rushed into a wasted season. Let the Sacred Cow get pounded until then.
  9. Spikes is one of the guys playing his heart out and making key plays on 3rd down to force punts. While he can over run some plays, he always seems to be around the ball making a positive impact. I like his effort and production. Fletcher is a good player who continues to take stupid penalties, which just kills us.
  10. Fact, my ass. I was there and taking notes. He cut inside twice when he was supposed to release to the outside and took off twice long , when he was supposed to shorten his route. Seemed to be lots of reaction from Bledsoe and the coaches after each mistake. That's right , keep defending these fan favorites. The losses keep mounting but it's always " Somebody else " .
  11. Bledsoe said we just didn't execute. That was a different way of looking at it.
  12. I am so impressed with the U Conn program. They stuck to a plan and built a very good Div-1 team in a short time.
  13. Probably the fans favorite player.
  14. Moulds ran the wrong pattern 4 times, 3 on 3rd down. 1 resulted in a INT. Dropped 2 easy ones. Glad he did well in someones fantasy league. I'm talking about making key plays in the REAL game. Was getting his @ss chewed on the sidelines by both Bledsoe and the Coaches. Remove the blinders. 8.75 Mil for this guy in 2005. We could get 3 starters for that salary. Twice the athlete Andre Reed ever was... Too bad Reed was twice the player.
  15. Badol was right. Purge many of the so-called name players and start fresh. Bledsoe,Henry,Moulds,Campbell,Jennings,M.Williams,Shelton,Wire..even Fletcher. They make more negative plays than positive ones. 0-3... Pointing the finger at certain units/players to defend your personal favorites no longer means a damn thing. Keep starting the players listed above and you just admitted you're satisfied with 6 wins per year,at best. They've had their shot and continue to come up small in the clutch. Tough guys ? How about mentally tough ? We can lose with younger,cheaper guys with an upside. Learn in 2004 and set up something positive for 2005. Turn the page. Bye-bye losers. Go kill another franchise.
  16. Being a celebrity with $$ means you're above the law. Haven't you people learned anything yet ?
  17. Hopefully, DB won't be playing the part of Adrianne.
  18. So you and I have no worries.
  19. Because the other 10 team members must elevate their games to make a sub-par,slow thinking athlete with zero pocket presense look adequate. Plenty of blame to go around. Bledsoe deserves LOTS of it.
  20. Indeed. If he allows this to proceed to trial, he could be looking at 10 years,according to the news. Sounds like he knows he would lose in court and that he did broker this Coke deal. A plea deal now gets him less than a year.
  21. So you already have an 8-track ?
  22. I hope you're just venting. When I worked in Navy Intel 15-20 years back, we kept a cool head and attacked the symptom, not any one individual. You're now going up against an endless line of human bombs, the hardest enemy to defeat. We need to change the mindset of the locals, not give the terrorists more reason to advance their cause. Impossible for me to get angry and disgusted over every call to arms by these zealots. This will go on forever unless we get the majority of their own people to turn on these terorists and eliminate them. Right now, they tend to sympathize with the Anti-American stance, due to the occupation and the poor conditions . I support you and all our troops, since I've been there. We just need to use our brains a little more and check our emotions or we'll go nuts with every terrorist leader screaming into the camera.
  23. Rim Shot ! "Thank you ladies and gents. Rich will be here all week. Try the veal ! "
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