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Mark VI

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Everything posted by Mark VI

  1. A downtown domed stadium is unrealistic. I understand the idea of attracting other businesses to build up around it and revitalize downtown. There is not enough room for parking and traffic would be horrid with that current road system.
  2. Asst. Figurehead and QB Coach. Tom Moore is the OC. OC would be a step up for him but he knows the playbook. The Bills could throw in the Asst. figurehead title.
  3. Just thinking out loud here. Jauron being up on stage by himself would probably be a tough sell, at that very moment, to the fanbase and the media who currently favor Sherman. If Jauron came out with Capers and Caldwell behind him, the immediate reaction would switch from fury to people rationalizing the setup. Sherman would bring Bates to run the D and many of his old staff members. He would not wish to have many current Bills asst. coaches ( still under contract ) thrust upon him. Capers and Caldwell wouldn't be on his staff, so it seems. So he had to make a strong pitch for his plan on Wed. Granted, he may still indeed be the guy. Jauron would be more open to suggestions for asst. coaches. Some of Mularkeys staff would likely stay, with Jauron as the hire. I'm sure he'd be thrilled to have a Capers and Caldwell on his staff. Marv favoring Jauron probably isn't a reach. Hmmm... Maybe that rumored disagreement between Ralph ( Sherman ) and Marv ( Jauron ) isn't too off the mark. So Marv surprises everyone with Capers and Caldwell on Friday...but to ask them to work for Jauron ? Is this the actual setup Marv and Ralph are discussing ? HC Sherman/DC Bates and Co. vs. HC Jauron/DC Capers/OC Caldwell and Co. ? Interesting.
  4. No matter who is hired, I can hardly wait for the meltdown here. The bridge railings will have lots of company that day and I'll be right there to help push them over the edge.
  5. My favorite this week http://www.thebrushback.com/nharper_full.htm
  6. " Get back on the grill. You, take the drive in orders ! "
  7. So it's probably down to Capers and Caldwell.
  8. With Ralph saying " Heads I win, tails you lose " . Sorry but If I'm 87 and own the team, I'm right.
  9. Well, I went down to the Elmwood strip that night from the stadium. People were all over the streets...horns blowing... Went to No Names ( 946 Elmwood ) where my friends bartended and the place was out of control. Woman were dancing on the top of the bar. They kept blasting the " Hey " song by Gary Glitter. Just a great drunkin' party which only ended when they flicked on the lights at 0430 for last call. I remember some of the Bills and Sabres showing up, which was common there on Sunday nights. I was hungover for 2 days.... and never felt better.
  10. Bledsoe was the last straw.
  11. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. SDS, NG ...release the hounds !!!
  12. Followed by an all night bender for the ages. Sitting in my seat, I knew I was never happier at a game in my life. 41-3 at the HALF ! Share your memories. Don't even mention the followup game. Just close your eyes for a second and remember how fantastic that day was. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
  13. Redskins | Breaux retained Thu, 19 Jan 2006 20:34:45 -0800 Redskins.com reports the Washington Redskins have retained offensive coordinator Don Breaux. He signed an undisclosed contract to remain with the team. Redskins | Saunders title not yet defined Thu, 19 Jan 2006 21:59:08 -0800 Ryan O'Halloran, or the Washington Times, reports the Washington Redskins have not yet defined a title for newly signed offensive coach Al Saunders. "We don't know what to do with him but keep him on retainer for 2 Mil a year. " I'm working on a photoshop pic of Snyder and a goat. I should be offered a good job within a week.
  14. Maybe this is actually a negative and the News got it wrong Wilson - " I'm offering this box of old silver and these shoe boxes of S&H green stamps....wait, you want HOW MUCH ??? "
  15. Just because Polian hired him in 1995 for expansion Carolina. " Give him an interview, Marv. That way I don't seem dumb for giving him the HC job in 1995, even though it's clear that he's in over his head as a HC . " Capers had everything set up perfectly in Houston and blew it. Playcalling was terrible and they folded quickly in most games. They are not without talent and I'm willing to bet Kubiak has them playing far better immediately. Capers is a DC and should be happy to get a job doing that. Sometimes I despise the NFL Old Boys Club.
  16. But a source close to the Bills' search said that Sherman, who took the Packers to four playoff appearances in six seasons, had a Wednesday interview in which he "knocked the socks off" Buffalo officials. If Lenny P. says so. Meanwhile, Capers selling point is " you'll be drafting #1 in 2007. No number #8 in my resume ! "
  17. He's hard to understand, since he always speaks like some excitable kid in half sentences. " I know he was good but uh you know he didn't really...I mean...he was good in that one game..but he's not Kelly,Smith...you know... " Thanks Dr. Hawking
  18. According to their deep DEEP source. Just said it on their sports update.
  19. Inspector Humor is probably busy drinking his lunch. He'll be along.
  20. Excellent !
  21. 2 Mil per year for 3 years.
  22. Johnny and his monkey are sad to hear this.
  23. Seems everyone wants the next young bright mind, which is quite the gamble. I'm not impressed with any of those hires and will monitor how they do. I like either of our choices better.
  24. Yes, you're the only one. Seek help.
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