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Mark VI

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Everything posted by Mark VI

  1. Last week, 0-3 with misses from 30,33 and 42. Cost the Giants the game.
  2. At least Halliburton is on our side. I was so pissed back in 1991. I was active duty and working 12-14 hour days, 7 days a week, for almost a year. I never bitched, fully believing my efforts at Naval Intel were making a difference. All the hard work, late nights and BS I had to put up with was worth it, if we FINISHED THE JOB ! But no...we had to kitty out, due to international pressure and the UN ( Thieves of the highest order ). I busted my ass for NOTHING ! The enemy was committing atrocities beyond comprehension. Once we left, it all just ended ? Sure it did... So now we should just pull out a 2nd time and accept defeat...again ! After 9/11 ? After all the beheadings ? The daily bombings ? It's all just going to go away ? What a load... Go vote for Kerry and cut your own throat. That's what they're rooting for. I've got a pair and knowledge of what I'm up against. I was briefed almost daily for 4 years. I read reports that would send chills through your bones. It's even worse now. The playing field has changed and turning back is no longer an option. Leave denial to other, weaker nations. Eyes wide open.
  3. He'll just give the $$ to the UN for the Coalition forces. Then everything will be fine.
  4. Sadam reportedly skimmed 11 Billion off this program. Gotta love the UN. Thank God they're beyond reproach.
  5. I thought Presidential Candidates enjoyed " Issues " .
  6. Hmmm...sounds like some interesting topics. Let's elaborate on those.
  7. There was never a script on " Survivor " that covered that.
  8. Money, get away Get a good job with more pay and your O.K. Money it's a gas Grab that cash with both hands and make a stash New car, caviar, four star daydream, Think I'll buy me a football team...
  9. I hear the Offense looks much better on Madden 2005 and TiVo. Many have gone to great lengths to ejamacate me on that.
  10. Our Offense is Offensive.
  11. Thank You. TNT must have shown that once or twice a week for 2 + years !
  12. Bush is on live right now on CNN, talking about the Oil For Food corruption.
  13. The local news said he's spending lots of time building up his leg strength by jogging in the pool each day.
  14. But then comes 3rd down or any other key time to make a positive play..and what happens ? 1. Dumb penalty 2. Sack 3. Bad throw 4. Dropped ball 5. RB trips 6. Missed blocks 7. Run wrong patterns Over and over and over and over... all the positives you correctly listed is completely nullified by the repeated failure to deliver in crunchtime. That's what Bad teams do to lose the game.
  15. Just looked it up. He was a Bill in 1998.
  16. Actually, he was in our training camp at one time.
  17. He notified Immigration to check your papers.
  18. How could I compete with Puff from WGR ?? I had NO chance !!
  19. It's next to my Roger Whittaker CD's.
  20. Even in that state, I'd take him over Bledsoe.
  21. Hammer = International Superstar Much like Zamphir, Master of the Pan Flute !
  22. They'll probably have a " Special Brownies " promotion on his 1st game back.
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