At least Halliburton is on our side.
I was so pissed back in 1991. I was active duty and working 12-14 hour days, 7 days a week, for almost a year. I never bitched, fully believing my efforts at Naval Intel were making a difference. All the hard work, late nights and BS I had to put up with was worth it, if we FINISHED THE JOB ! But no...we had to kitty out, due to international pressure and the UN ( Thieves of the highest order ). I busted my ass for NOTHING ! The enemy was committing atrocities beyond comprehension. Once we left, it all just ended ? Sure it did...
So now we should just pull out a 2nd time and accept defeat...again ! After 9/11 ? After all the beheadings ? The daily bombings ? It's all just going to go away ?
What a load... Go vote for Kerry and cut your own throat. That's what they're rooting for. I've got a pair and knowledge of what I'm up against. I was briefed almost daily for 4 years. I read reports that would send chills through your bones. It's even worse now.
The playing field has changed and turning back is no longer an option. Leave denial to other, weaker nations.
Eyes wide open.