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Mark VI

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Everything posted by Mark VI

  1. Why is it fun to attend the games ? Here is a prime example.
  2. The microwave button ? 3 minutes for a hot pocket and some quick soundbites. You big meanie. That's it. I'm voting Libertarian . AD governs us too much.
  3. In the last 2 years we have drafted MaGahee, Evans and Losman. By the end of the year, all will be starting. So we got an extra blue chip player a year early. For that, we basically gave up a 5th round pick in 2004. BFD. Now people are worried Dallas may get a top 5 pick in the 2005 Draft with our pick. That pick could BOMB and will certainly cost a cap ransom, for a completely UNPROVEN player. Does the name Mike Williams ring a bell ? I'd rather go get someone in March Free Agency, a PROVEN NFL player, than gamble on some college player. Whatever. Blather on with inane jealousy of a supposed top 5 pick that will crush the cap and is completely UNPROVEN. Meanwhile the Bills drafted a RB,WR and QB who are here, on the roster and will all be STARTING by the conclusion of this year. That #1 pick crap is sooooooo played. I'm not impressed unless you can show me MaGahee, Evans and Losman are complete busts with no hope. You can't. Meanwhile , the Bills will use the $$ to sign a proven NFL Vet in March. I'm AWARE we need help in other areas, such as OL. Drew Bledsoe's salary will help pay that . TD's major BLUNDER was BLEDSOE ! B-L-E-D-S-O-E . Drew Bledsoe. That was the mistake which has set this team back 1-2 years. Drafting MaGahee, Evans and Losman turned out to be pretty smart.
  4. Gutless and clueless. All the terrorism and dying goes away if Kerry wins, right. BTW, I'm not a supporter of either candidate. Well, at least the national IQ avg. rises when you bolt .
  5. I eat lunch when I finish work at 1230. Tuna sandwich and a Royal Jamaica Robusto for dessert. ( Yummy ! )
  6. Way to blame everyone else but yourself, DB. I bet the other players love reading that.
  7. It was a topic on PTI today. Mike Wilbon stated the players can see right through this and Mularkey is fooling nobody.
  8. If he wants MaGahee to start, then tell Travis to his face and move on. What if the Bills are 1-8 or 2-7 come the Rams game and the fans are beside themselves. Is he really going to be concerned about Bledsoes' feelings if Losman is ready to go ? Get real. Hey Mike, you can't play both sides of the fence. When the inmates run the asylum, you lose ! Where's our future ? It's with Willis and J.P. NUT UP, COACH !
  9. 1st year Jitters. He can't play both sides of the fence. Start MaGahee and quit worrying about TH's " feelings ". Good God ! Is this how he's going to handle the QB situation, if we continue to lose the next 3 weeks ??? The Rams game comes up, Losman is 100 % healthy and ready. MM says " I better wait. I don't want to hurt Drew ? " Meanwhile the team is 2-7 or 1-8 and the fans want blood. Hey Mike . I know a good Osteopath who can help locate your spine ! You're building your own plank to dance on. Nut Up !
  10. Hey Lori, BuffaloBart told me that a couple is getting married at Pinto Rons BBQ this Sunday. Who said the tailgate isn't the best part ! I'll make sure to arrive early. I want to see if the new couple gets the ketchup treatment with Ken. The game almost does seem secondary.
  11. If you tell them you're "Coming" , do they cross you off the invite list ?
  12. I feel the same way. Soccer and baseball are fun to play. Simply unwatchable from the stands or on TV. Alas, everyone is different.
  13. Nothing like damage control. Tis the Political season.
  14. Who's the guy holding the remote ?
  15. What am I missing ? Teagues' play had improved and now Tucker is doing OK in his absence. This is a crying NEED ???
  16. I read that but why start this thread ? I watched JP at camp and in pre-season. I came away gushing with optimism .
  17. Obviously, b.harami has arrived at that condition. Misery LOVES company.
  18. We could " What If " every single move the Bills make, towards the negative. What does that accomplish ?
  19. I'm hoping the Rams game on the 21st of November. Marketing ( tickets for the last 3 home games ) does enter into the formula. Cards game won't make TV but close to 70,000 tickets will be sold. Jets game may be sold out or close to it. Losman and MaGahee will put fannys in the seats. The faithful will want a glimpse at our future for 2005 and beyond. Probably the only way they can sell tickets late into a disappointing year. Plus we might actually score a rushing TD and win a game ( GASP ! ) .
  20. Does anyone think we will know late Tuesday night or early Wed. morning who won this thing ? I have a feeling several states will order recounts. Could take days. This close election has Ugly written all over it. Anyone like to predict how long this will take ? Thoughts ?
  21. " You sold me oregano, not columbian ! "
  22. Ricky treated them to a breakfast bong before the show.
  23. I have been, since early 2003. " WE just have to execute better " " We just have to execute better " " We just have to execute better " " We just have to execute better " " We just have to execute better " " We just have to execute better " " We just have to execute better " " We just have to execute better " " We just have to execute better " skip,skip,skip......
  24. Little Bro = Capitalistic Pig !
  25. I've been watching that same tape for the past 25-30 games and nothing has changed. DB has been killing us with all his shortcomings. It's the same tape Bill Belechick was watching in 2000-2001.
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