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Mark VI

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Everything posted by Mark VI

  1. My sky is purple. I LOVE acid !
  2. Sounds like you wish to squeeze Ngata. Not that there's anything... Ourlads, an actual scounting service with ex NFL scouts, calls Ngata the classic boom or bust type. ( Some coach will try to make a silk purse out of a sows ear ). A ringing endorsement if I ever heard one for giving someone a huge contract. Same goes for Bunkley ( a 2nd round talent, small ) and Gabe Watson (Inconsistent, questionable effort and weight issues ) . If you reach for a need at #8, you get Mike Williams more often than not. Gabe Watson would be a nice gamble if around in Round 2, because he has a big upside. But with that top pick, you might be smart to accept a trade down and gather extra picks. If you are stuck, you draft the best athlete available and NEVER reach.
  3. It beats cutting him and receiving nothing, as many have suggested. At least this way, they can direct him outside of the division.
  4. I'm thinking a 6th rounder at best. Probably a 7th.
  5. What did you say, babe ?
  6. Didn't he co-write " Me And The Spitter " with Gaylord Perry ?
  7. Root for the laundry. The names don't matter. They're nothing but cattle.
  8. No white smoke from the chimney yet.
  9. Or maybe the tears of many clowns..
  10. Omar probably fell off his Camel with that response.
  11. Outside of Cleveland, no one has made any great strides. The Pats have actually taken a hammering . 32 teams came to shop and found slim pickings on the shelf. So they are pulling out the dice and rolling away. Buffalo is signing some help but many have little data to go on. Triplett is a rotation guy with Anderson but we still need one more DT. Fowler was a wise signing. Royal, Nall & Bowen are a leap of faith. Still need 1-2 Guards, a LT, a DT and maybe another Safety. That's easier said than done. I'll be enjoying draft day regardless but that's too tall an order in 1 offseason for a new regime. In a deep draft, they'd be wise to aceept any invitation to trade down and gather more picks.
  12. " We'd like to take time and welcome Drew Rosenhaus to the forum ! " " Take a seat Dog and tell us what your contract demands and holdout plans are."
  13. He's 4 months + removed from having Willis knee surgery. It's Science !
  14. Culpepper tore 3 ligaments like Willis and waited until November to have the surgery. Did Willis return strong after 10 months ? Hardly... I'd be more than happy to watch Saban force him into action too early and watch him struggle badly...or get killed. The original return date to try his knee was week 8 of 2006. No preparation/training camp on a brand new team, coming off a horrific knee injury. Culpepper making Miami a winner in 2006 ? You actually believe this ? Time to call Jessica Alba for a late lunch.
  15. Neal was dominated by Tim Anderson in the Pats blowout win at the Ralph this past season. Anderson had 7 tackles, a pass deflection and ran right over Neal to throw down the RB for a 4 yard loss. But since he plays for the Pats, he's great. It's slim pickings in FA and the work must continue to find real help for the OL. If not, go crazy on Draft day.
  16. I'm hoping you all leave permanently. Don't let the door hit you.
  17. Jauron barely lost out to Meathead 2 years ago. Ralph loved him. When Marv showed up obviously liking the guy, I knew he was the clear favorite. Hardly a shock. The OC and DC hires will be key.
  18. You've been had. Now let's see who is the OC and DC, since these are the key hires. I just won $10 from my friend with this result. I'll wait for the official announcement. Good luck signing UFA's in March, since this could be a tough sell. I'm hoping Havard + Yale have an actual plan and won't be spectators while other teams make moves, prior to the Draft. This means many of the current Asst. Coaches still under contract will probably stay. I realize this place will be unreadable over the next few days but I'll wait for the entire staff to be announced. Anyone need mapquest directions to the nearest bridge ?
  19. I look at Sherman having a better understanding of NFL personnel, since he held GM duties for a few years in addition to being a the HC. It's not just a numbers game with me and certainly the future results of our next hire is a total guess. It's easy to attract support to your theory, simply by listing the record of Seifert upon taking over at Carolina. Then again, anyone can figure out 10 is greater than 7. Digging beyond simple win-loss records, Carolina and Jacksonville entered the NFL with completely different philosphies. Carolina owner and ex-NFL player, Jerry Richardson, had a "win now" position and cast a huge shadow over his coach, Dom Capers and GM Bill Polian. They were in The NFC champonship game in year 2 but eventually paid for the short term emphasis of Vet UFA's over building a long term product through the draft. Polian couldn't wait to bail. Jacksonville under the non-meddling owner Wayne Weaver, gave controll to Tom Coughlin to build the team for the long term. Their first 2 draft picks were 1st team All-American OT's, Tony Boselli of USC and Brian Demarco of Michigan St. Seifert walked into a no win situation with multiple older FA's like Sam Mills at the end of their career. Draft failures and Kerry Collins struggling with Booze left Seifert with little chance to succeed. I doubt anyone could have won there. So in conclusion, the GM needs to give the next coach some talent to succeed.
  20. What's wrong with Orchard Park ? I like our stadium. Hey, if we had acres of open land to build on downtown, I'd love to see the blueprints. Does the waterfront by the skyway have enough room ? After watching this 2nd bridge fiasco enter it's 12th year of " planning ", how fast could this " idea " be completed.
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