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Mark VI

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Everything posted by Mark VI

  1. Old, yes. Everything else is debatable.
  2. I can still pitch a tent. Thank you ENZYTE ! ( THIS...... IS BOB ! )
  3. Come to Butthead...
  4. Most of us are #3 . Only 10 % ? Disagree. Most can see what they have in front of them and are fairly realistic. Sometimes the numbers get skewed after a loss, when people are venting. Plus some just have a permanent bug up their backside.
  5. The SA never bugs anyone while ringing the bell. How about all the different organizations standing outside grocery stores and banks, stopping you and begging for contributions. They're 50 times worse.
  6. I thought that was seq004 talking about KRC...
  7. Completely agree. Great statement.
  8. Bullseye. My wife is a Math Teacher. Her frustration level with students/parents is tested constantly with sheer stupidity. Having gone through Catholic grammer school in the 1960's and Catholic High School in the 1970's, I know many here understand how I view todays " spare the rod " philosophy. Kids need to have cell phones on, while in school. Gotcha.
  9. I'm thinking only Spikes and McGee ( KR ) make it. .
  10. I knew it was him ! Good catch !
  11. The Lawsuit sounds like a dud. Still, that is one fugly dude he was dating. Hope he never jokes about good taste ever again.
  12. I'm not following . G. Host is pissed because people were just goofing around with the brick wall Hammer made ? Everyone was in a great mood that day and just having harmless fun. Why would he take that personally? Did someone insult him directly or something? Makes no sense.
  13. Pickled Kitty ?
  14. Eat pork sausage off the end of it, before plunging it deep.
  15. The French Gov't don't care about Arafats past. They had a healthy business relationship with him, much like Hussein. It's all about the Francs.
  16. Don't forget the 1972 Olympics in Munich .
  17. Thanks for sharing that. What courage.
  18. Kyle Orton is ranked behind Charlie Frye of Akron and Dan Orlovsky of U Conn. He's currently projected as a 2nd round pick and is sinking like a stone with his recent play. Mike Williams and Carnell Williams are ranked #1,#2 overall.
  19. I'd send VABills. He'd handle this the proper way. ( Lighter fluid and a match) Then I'd be happy.
  20. Too bad you threw a gutter ball and went straight to porn. Thanks. I'm here all week.
  21. This is like Dustin Hoffman wanting to do another Ishtar film. The horse is DEAD, Mr. Moore.
  22. Well stated. I have some friends of Arab decent. They are peaceful people who are disgusted with the politics, like the majority of most cultures.
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