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Mark VI

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Everything posted by Mark VI

  1. In the 3rd quarter, he'll ask Tasker if they're related..
  2. Someone here has a copyright on that term. Bills 24 Bengals 17 Predicting someone will post after the game that the win is " Misleading "
  3. Came with piles of chocolate pudding for dessert, little doubt.
  4. Long time players, especially All-Pros, don't really belong in the " Obscure " catagory. Some of these answers are quite comical. Uh....Bruce Smith...
  5. They need to talk about T.O. and Brett Favre more..
  6. ARTHUR: Eh. You are indeed brave, Sir Knight, but the fight is mine. BLACK KNIGHT: Oh, had enough, eh? ARTHUR: Look, you stupid bastard. You've got no arms left. BLACK KNIGHT: Yes, I have. ARTHUR: Look! BLACK KNIGHT: Just a flesh wound. [kick] ARTHUR: Look, stop that. BLACK KNIGHT: Chicken! [kick] Chickennn! ARTHUR: Look, I'll have your leg. [kick] Right! [whop] [ARTHUR chops the BLACK KNIGHT's right leg off] BLACK KNIGHT: Right. I'll do you for that! ARTHUR: You'll what? BLACK KNIGHT: Come here! ARTHUR: What are you going to do, bleed on me? BLACK KNIGHT: I'm invincible! ARTHUR: You're a looney. BLACK KNIGHT: The Black Knight always triumphs! Have at you! Come on, then. [whop] [ARTHUR chops the BLACK KNIGHT's last leg off] BLACK KNIGHT: Oh? All right, we'll call it a draw. ARTHUR: Come, Patsy. BLACK KNIGHT: Oh. Oh, I see. Running away, eh? You yellow bastards! Come back here and take what's coming to you. I'll bite your legs off!
  7. It was the Black Knight from Monty Pythons' Holy Grail...
  8. People still watch that show ?
  9. 9zxjfvbfggh;lhp;hnbkrfdmkdrfckgvk....SOS !
  10. Put him up for auction on NFL e-bay.
  11. She could rest her legs on my shoulders.
  12. Hope you and Daddy Rock have a great time. He's proud as hell when you're around. How's the job going ?
  13. I live in Buffalo and believe me, few people even care about the Sabres. 3 of my co-workers had seasons and said they'll never buy them again.
  14. Completely agree. But Vermeil did blast his work ethic just 2 months back. He may not be too keen on staying, unless Vermeil walks. Plus salary cap issues figure in.
  15. He's looked very good as the starting RB. If KC wants to trade him, the line of suiters will be 10 times longer than the line for Henry.
  16. Remember that when names like Bledsoe and Moulds are mentioned. Combined 15 Million + in cap space next year for players past their prime. Think what that 15 Mil could bring in FA.
  17. Anyone need a Varsity jacket from the Field of Dreams store ?
  18. Chase it with a bottle of Rumplemintz. That will cheer you up. Slip on Depends before passing out.
  19. Don't drive anywhere for cotton candy.
  20. M*A*S*H - When Hawkeye had the Santa suit on and goes into combat to do field surgery. Funny and touching.
  21. Angie, 21, hails from Cambridge and loves things like reading, shopping and dancing. She's an Aries who spent seven years training to be a figure skater, and her taste in guys runs toward someone who has goals and likes to have fun. Mead, that's you ! Your goal is to drink a 6 before noon and that's sure fun ! I think you're in ! ( Pssst. We'll keep this from the wife. Our little secret ) Digital pics a must.
  22. He'll reject the first contract offer until they translate it to English.
  23. http://sunshinegirl.canoe.ca/TorontoSunshine/ssg_thurs.html Here's something that will make you smile and desire cotton candy.
  24. Outstanding. Beers before lunch ( or FOR lunch ! ) . No wonder she married you. What woman can resist that ?
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