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Mark VI

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Everything posted by Mark VI

  1. I don't know if that will work here. They tried indoor soccer and arena football. They both failed. The Lacrosse team ( Bandits) does well. UB basketball is getting 2,000-3,000 to their games at North campus. They became a winner last year in the Mid-American conference and attendance is growing.
  2. Couldn't agree more, Dan. I was just looking at the Free Agent list yesterday, with that in mind. http://www.theredzone.org/2005/freeagents/...asp?Position=RB Seems to be slim pickings. Westbrook will cash in as an RFA. The Eagles will be forced to match any offer. Any opinions on the rest ?
  3. Say your goodbyes now, since your posting priviliges will be suspended within the hour. That's unacceptable.
  4. Lets build a new stadium for the Jets !
  5. A huge bowl of cooked shrimp. Just don't ruin it with lite beer.
  6. I remember that game well. Bledsoe completed 2 passes of 15 and 10 yards. 2 plays later, he hit David Patten in the corner for an 11 yard TD. The rest of the game, he didn't do much. The Pats scored a Defensive TD and another on a Troy Brown punt return. Kordell Stewart played bad and the Pats stuffed Bettis all day. Hmmm.. Big plays ( and TD's!) from the Special Teams and Defense . 7-10 points from the Offense. Hey, that sounds like our whole 2004 season. I'm sensing a pattern. It's all Drew. He's a God among men.
  7. Big deal. Doesn't Moulds have several kids from multiple women ?
  8. I used to drive over to that same store and buy Carlsburg Gold ( 6.5 %) for the same price of a case of Genny. The exchange was about 40 % then and the Candian beer was actually affordable. Today, forget it. Besides, they can now sell the strong stuff in the States .
  9. Should I order my " Bills Won 9 Games With DB " T-shirt ?
  10. I hated Genny, especially Genny Scream Ale. Some of my friends would drink it exclusively. They would try and order a pitcher and I'd get pissed. Just horrid. Most bars in Buffalo had the Beer and Cream Ale on tap in the '70's and '80's. It enjoyed enormous popularity in WNY, during that era. ( Bleeeeech )
  11. Weren't the Pats 0-2 and losing to the Jets when Drew was hurt in 2001 ? Brady is the difference. Bledsoe would have gotten Belechick fired and the Pats never would have made the big game.
  12. Was just upstairs getting breakfast in our cafeteria at work. Cafe has TV's with CNN Headline news on all day. They were showing a live shot of Punxsutawney with thousands of people outside for the ground hog ceremony, drinking heavily. Wait ! Is that Simon !
  13. These are flamboyantly gay, very bad covers. http://www.cenedella.com/stone/archives/000302.html
  14. My God. Drink a Sam Adams, A Flying Bison Red or Leffe ( Belgium). A lite beer tastes like listerine after drinking those.
  15. I hate it. With all the great Beers on this planet, I'd NEVER drink a lite beer. Spring water is better. I tried a Coors Lite once and that ended that grand experiment. Never again.
  16. Molson Export Ale is very good. Labatt Blue, Old Vienna are my standard cheap beers. Old Vienna still sells for $4.99 a 12 pack at the Rite-Aid on my corner. Just say OV ? You betcha. I find myself drinking lots of Sam Adams Lager and Winter Ale. My favorites. Killian is a good Amber. Lite beer. Never
  17. Right after he nailed Nicolette Sheridan. " Oh God, Oh God.. "
  18. Interesting. Can't ignore someone who has watched him in many games. Thanks.
  19. That sounds like the Rob Johnson injury. Strained/torn buttocks. Can you think straight ?
  20. That's because you're not white trash.
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