1. OT/OG Floyd Womack - Arrived yesterday. Will talk to the Bills today.
2. May shift Teague back to LT. All depends what happens in Free Agency. It's an option.
3. Justin Bannon will continue to get some work at OG, where he looked good in short yardage and goal line situations.
4. Jason Peters will resume his conversion to OT
5. Talks about the versitility of many lineman - Gandy can play OT and OG, Tucker can play C and OG, McFarland can play OT and OG.
6. No mention of moving Mike Williams to LT.
7. DeMulling is a possibility but with Detroit and Baltimore looking at him, the price may be too steep. Expected to command at least 3 Mil a year and probably more.
8. Bills will probably look at more OL after Womack.
9. TD suggested they would like to see some of these Lineman play a couple positions in spring mini-camp and then decide where to place them, going into camp.
10. Wilson mentioned the Shelton trade had stalled. TD said nothing about it.
That's all. Resume your OT posts. Just boring football talk.