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Mark VI

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Posts posted by Mark VI

  1. Here is what he actually said, in that article.

    He thinks there might be.... which is what Ralph is saying... and I commend Ralph for bringing this to the forefront. But there arent any "poison pills" yet... there aren't any rules yet... the thing hasnt been finalized. They may not even be any poison pills. Ralph is trying to prevent these, not dispose of these.


    Going from that to what a lot of people here are saying that this is some conspiracy to run out of town the small market teams is quite a stretch.



    Stop making sense and get back in line with the goose-stepping mindless banter of " The Bills are leaving ! ". :rolleyes:


    Ralph is trying to be proactive prior to the CBA and the " Fuzzy " qualifiers being ratified. Any numbskull can blather on ad nauseum about our local economy and small market plight... but that applies to 6-8 other franchises also. The NFL ISN'T all about Corporate sales and shutting out the real fans with high costs, contrary to the big market brain drain. It will be the death of the golden goose if we see the retraction of several franchises. Certainly there are no willing and able cities dying for an NFL franchise to move, especially with the new terms of the CBA which seem to favor only the established big market franchises.


    Maybe Ralph is actually being bold in attempting to open some eyes to the absurdity of what is happening. A constant jump in the Cap. An obscene overpayment of players.


    $100 + for crappy nosebleed seats and $35 for parking in D.C. WTF ? That won't last 5 years without many saying " Go F#*k Youself. I quit ! "

  2. This years draft is one of the deepest in many, many years. Literally twice as good as last season. Lots of depth at positions of need for the Bills. We constantly cry about getting help for the trenches on Offense and Defense. Here's our chance.


    I'd rather have an extra day one pick this season, which could bring our total to 5 players within the first 72 picks.


    That's too good an opportunity to pass on.


    No more TD and his controlling injury/midget niche pick fetish.


    Let's nail this draft.

  3. The thing about gandy is he's decent at best. Not a world beater and not horrible.  He's definitly not a top tier lt and wouldn't start for most teams in the league. We'd be best served getting a guy who can fill that position once and for all. Improving one spot on the line can truly improve the entire line.  I'd like gandy better as a guard or backup then as our starting lt. However I can deal with him there if major overhauls happen at the guard spots.  Davin Joseph and Charles Spencer would be huge steps in the right direction.



    I'd never pass on a LT like Ferguson or say a Whitworth, if we traded down in Round 1 or by some miracle, was still there in Round 2.


    What you state is dead on but I'm thinking we can't solve it all in one off-season. Guard is the immediate need.

  4. We have a draft coming up in 2 weeks and you believe we're done now ? :blink:


    This draft has several massive Guards who can step in and start immediately. Look for us to select one or two.


    The interior of the line was the biggest problem last season. Peters is raw but showed me excellent run blocking technique, which is paramount for a RT. Gandy did much better than people gave him credit for at LT. He has freakishly long arms and can steer the rush wide, which is doing his job. I never bought into the " I hate Gandy " dreck.


    Fowler is an upgrade over Teague. Teague was just horrid and lacked any functional strength to stop anyone from running over him at will.


    The Bills need better Guard play and I'll wait to see what they do up until camp before pressing the panic button.

  5. A TE who is an actual pass receiving threat completely changes the way a team is defended.  I can virtually guarantee that guys like Priest Holmes, Larry Johnson, Emmit Smith, Terrell Davis, and Tiki Barber would agree with me.  It's also the reason Belichick has spent some serious first day draft jack on the position.


    Having a TE that can hit homeruns guarantees that teams can't sell their linebackers out or leave their safety in the box to stop the running game.  That's especially true in the redzone, a place our team that has been without a receiving TE, has struggled for the better part of a decade.


    You're a hell of alot more likely to have a great offense with a big time receiving threat lining up at TE than a one dimensional drive blocker.  If that wasn't the case, more teams would be lining up "tackle type" TEs - which pretty much no one is doing outside short yardage.



    Well stated.


    There isn't anyone who would dispute the need for further OL help. Still, the draft does not begin and end with the 1st round and you never reach. I see several massive Guards and the Bills will have a shot at one of them in Round 2. Another G could come in Round 3, where we have 2 picks. The pressure came up the middle last season and Guard help is the most important OL need. But not in Round 1.


    Davis is the one TE I most definetly would consider for the reasons stated above by the crazed mercenary. I have a feeling he may the target of a tradeup in front of us and may be gone no later than #6. But if he's still there at #8, we'd be foolish to pass on a rare freak who's ability would work like a domino effect towards the opposing Defense.

  6. Let me clarify one thing. The quality that I'm hoping for first and foremost is speed, speed, speed ,speed, speed, speed speed, speed, speed, speed, speed, speed, speed, speed, speed, speed, and oh, speed. You can't teach speed. If you have the fastest players then you coach the rest of the qualities.



    Buffalo selects Speedy Adderall, WR - Pace University

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