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Everything posted by WWVaBeach

  1. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/multimedi....1.html?cnn=yes
  2. What's the theme tonight?
  3. Where are Charlton Heston or Mark Wahlberg when you need em?
  4. Baboons are the worst, though...not just aggressive, but malevolent. They've been witnessed catching live birds and plucking off all the feathers, just for kicks. 669249[/snapback] ...This is so true... A Navy sea story...We were on a port visit to Mombasa Kenya. Some of my shipmates and I went on a full-day safari to Tsavo East, a game preserve. At the end of the day we were taken to a lodge for dinner before were driven back to the ship. The lodge was surrounded by baboons, and we were warned not to feed them. Well one of the guys I was with ignored the warning and was teasing one of the baboons with a piece of cake. You'd have sworn the baboon had been on the UFC show on Spike. It reached up and clawed down the front of him from chest to groin. When he doubled over in pain, the thing uppercutted him! He dropped like a rock. The baboon the preceded to sit on his chest and eat the cake! It was one of the funniest thing I have ever seen in my life!
  5. Did anyone take note of the fact that they never showed Benny giving Artie the money Tony left in the fishwrapper?
  6. Anyone know how to save it as wallpaper? I tried the right-click thing...didn't work.
  7. OJ coming to our Little League football game when we played in Williamsville. I was on the 90lb Shaefer (sp) Furniture team. Is Shaefers Furniture still around? As a part of the Kensington YMCA trampoline team we did halftime shows at Braves games. Being at the game when Perreault scored his 500th. Holding my 6 month old son in my arms as I watched the Bills come back against the Oilers in the playoff game. I was jumping up and down and the kid never woke up. BTW one of the 1st things he learned to say was GO BILLS!
  8. That is dead-on the way I feel. I left Buffalo in 1979 to join the Navy for what I thought would be 3 years. It ended up being a career, and now "home" is Virginia Beach. But I still like to get back to visit at least once a year (typically for a game). The thing that's missing here is the neighborhood corner bar. I can walk into any of my old hangouts in either the city or in Cheektowaga and I'll betcha I'll see the same familiar faces sitting on the same familiar stools. And thats alright cause thats part of what makes the area great. Now, how come I suddenly have a craving for wings? Is Louie's still in business? Used to love them dogs after last call.
  9. LOL...that's the spirit!
  10. That was a great post. Read every single word. Thanks for sharing what had to be an unbelievable experience.
  11. Thanks...I'll do that.
  12. Was originally invited to the Charger-Raider game but that fell through. So now I'm free to watch the Bills stomp the Dolfelons! Any help on a good location would be greatly appreciated.
  13. But I'd only be hearing that from the Raidas fans!
  14. I live in Va Beach and don't get to go to many Bills games, typically one a year, but none this year. So going to ANY NFL game is a great opportunity. I will be in San Diego on business from 3-10 Dec. I've been invited to go to the the Charger-Raider game on the 4th. What would you wear? Would you wear your Bills apparel or just normal everyday street clothes? I'm leaning toward the Bills gear but you know Raiders fans. (BTW I was told that even in San Diego there will be as many, if not more Raidas fans than Chargers fans). What'ya think?
  15. Wife and I are thinking about Blue Bay Getaway. Have heard both good and bad things about the place. It's just about the only 21 & over resort that isn't priced through the roof. Anyone ever been?
  16. After the announcers made that statement I watched for it and sure enough he was.
  17. Just voted...we're up by only nine!
  18. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/multimedi....1.html?cnn=yes
  19. Way back before halftime shows were what they are now, I was a part of the old YMCA on Eggert at the Kensington Expressway trampoline team. We were the halftime shows at some of the Braves games. I was in 2nd or 3rd grade at the time. Times have changed!
  20. I voted for the opener...I AM READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL!
  21. Did anyone else hear Paula say that the competition didn't matter since all of them would get contracts anyway? Then why didn't just stop at 12 contestants? She also realized what she said and backtracked rapidly.
  22. Did anyone else hear Paula say that the competition didn't matter since all of them would get contracts anyway? Then why didn't just stop at 12 contestants? She also realized what she said and backtracked rapidly.
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