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Everything posted by WWVaBeach

  1. That reminds me...LUNCHTIME!
  2. Going Out Of Business
  3. Tried clicking on the link in the article and it doesn't work.
  4. Had no idea what party he was affiliated with until I heard this morning that he was on Hilary's short list for running mates.
  5. Diddy do it?
  6. It has been a loooong time since I lived in Buffalo and the only campground that I can remember is Darien Lake. I know there are others and need recommendations.
  7. Should The City Pay Up? I'm no lawyer but this sure sounds legit to me. Show them the $$$$$$$$!!!
  8. No Johnson? No Problem For Bills!
  9. Thanks my Camp. How ya doin?
  10. Massacre. And Declaration of Independence.
  11. Is there a way to re-size a jpg? I have some great pics that I'd love to use but they're too big.
  12. I agree. However I don't remember any of my teachers in the Buffalo Public Schools telling me that 1st NY voted no to independence and in the final vote actually abstained. That took me by surprise. The guy who's playing George Washington looks eerily like the portraits I can remember of our 1st President.
  13. On HBO. Anyone watch last night?
  14. I've been gone for a couple weeks...did the website crash?
  15. http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20070420/od_nm/...ktails_odd_dc_1
  16. The current controversy is Simon Cowell rolling his eye after Chris gave a shout out to the folks at VT. http://www.drudgereport.com/flash6i.htm
  17. Hadn't thought of that...makes perfect sense.
  18. My prediction: Chris is thinking about taking out Tony. But Phil will take out Chris before he has the chance to take out Tony. Phil is pissed. Another thing...what was up with AJ's girlfriend last night? PMSing?
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