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Everything posted by WWVaBeach

  1. Selfish A$$wipe!
  2. Bi-weekly is twice a week...correct? Semi-weekly is every other week...correct?
  3. 1st one's were waaaay better!
  4. A woman scanned the guests at a party and spotted an attractive man standing alone. She approached him. 'My name is Carmen,' she told him. 'That's a beautiful name,' he replied, 'Is it a family name?' 'No,' she replied. 'I gave it to myself. It reflects the things I like most -- cars and men.' 'What's your name?' she asked. He said, 'BJ Titsengolf' Feel free to add on...
  5. Love this movie!
  6. I have to fess up...I didn't know it had been nominated.
  7. ESPNRadio hasn't been the same since TK told them to pack sand. I know alot of you hate the guy but he has a great sense of humor and in all actuality very rarely was his show about sports, but it sure was entertaining! I can remember mornings laughing out loud while sitting at my desk at work.
  8. NY's New Cig Tax I'm not a smoker but my wife is. Here in Va we pay on average $30.00 for a carton.
  9. I had to give up after the 1st overtime.
  10. US Navy ships are considered to be included in the "US soil" category. What's so shocking here? They catch the bad guys, bring them aboard a ship where they are interogated by the intel specialists and then transferred to _______ (fill in the blank. Our sailors are the best in the world and to read these pieces just piss me off. And also make me miss my many years walking the decks of our ships.
  11. She looks awfuuly pasty. She needs to eat a biscuit and get some sun!
  12. Just thought of another but not sure if it fits in either the underrated or comedy categories but had some very funny lines... Fargo
  13. Surely you can't forget the Airplane movies! "Don't call me Shirley"!
  14. Four Weddings and a Funeral Kentucky Fried Movie
  15. It was a short week.
  16. Grab a 12 pack and head on over. Rule #1: Absolutely no peeing in the pool!
  17. The one that really stood out to me was, Should we kill all the grizzlies? Or something like that.
  18. Pulled the cover off the pool yesterday, hope to have the chems right for jumping in by tomorrow. Floating cooler has already been pulled out for use!
  19. Some very good one's. Most would be totally unacceptable in this day and age.
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