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Everything posted by WWVaBeach

  1. Welcome to Paris...but
  2. Very good and touche.
  3. The magazine or um actual people?
  4. Well that's a minute 47 seconds of my life I'll never get back.
  5. Sorry I had to do it
  6. Was in St Maarten last March while on a cruise. Can't remember the name of the beach we went to though cause I was still recovering from the previous day's visit to Antigua.
  7. What are you an HBO exec or something?
  8. The article says cancelled and also says LV was not on top of a funeral pyre.
  9. On The Big Screen? I for one loved the series and was surprised it was cancelled.
  10. Ran into Chuck Woolery a couple weeks ago in the Norfolk airport. Asked him what he was doing in town and he said giving a speach. I asked where and he says I don't know. My thought was...huh?
  11. Still not working! My apologies for posting this in the 1st place.
  12. dev sits when he pi$$e$.
  13. Damn! How old are you?
  14. They're right about the legroom. Rented a Mustang convertable last year while on business in SD. Had my wife with me and a friend of hers that lives there. My wife is 5' 3" on a good day and had to sit sideways in the back seat with her feet on the seat. Fun to drive though.
  15. I had received the same list via email. If you want to still go the gift card route it probably is safe to give one of those Master Card or Visa gift cards. Don't ya think?
  16. It said last January.
  17. Literally
  18. Here's what my family does...we open the envelopes mix up the literature and send the contents (w/o names etc) to different companies than sent it to us. I say screw em...let them deal with some junk mail.
  19. I stay away fron the Doc in the Box places. They're good for colds/flu type stuff and that's about it... My 16yo son face planted on his BMX bike while jumping a dirt hill. He literally ripped his lower lip away from his gum and the entire right side of his face was road rash. Took him to Doc in the Box and the PA says we can't do anything because we can see the tendons in his lip. Took him to the ER got very good treatment fom 2 doctors and 2 nurses. They had to cut away some of the inside of his lip because of all the dirt, sew it back to his gum and also scrape the dirt out of the road rash with a scalpel. He kept bacitracin on it for about a week and no scarring. He was lucky. Here's the kicker... THERE ARE NO TENDONS IN THE LIP! Stay away from the Doc in the Box.
  20. Happy Birthday Shipmate! MMC(SW)Retired
  21. Didn't really talk about Bills/Jests. Talked more about the QB class of 83 and the great competition between them. Also talked about the Bills/Phins old rivalry...how J Robbie stadium was known by the Bills players as Rich Stadium South. Then talked about Hunter's Hope and standardizing from state to state infant testing. How'd I do?
  22. This morning at 8:40!
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