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Everything posted by WWVaBeach

  1. HAHAHA...I remember back when I was on active duty I got woke up here in VaBeach by a bunch of my HS buddies. I asked what they were doing here and the response was...We were on our way to Evangola and decided well we've come this far why not just go to VA Beach! Classic!
  2. Hey Mead are you sure this isn't one of those Ameriprise sales pitch things. A year or so ago I won a free lunch at a Mexican place for 12 people but then found out thats what it was.
  3. Why you wanna piss in our wheaties? If you're not interested why pick on us losers?
  4. Not following closely so far. Will start watching more when the top 12 are decided.
  5. Signing him would be a bad move for this team. IMHO
  6. Sabres are on again on CSN here in Va tomorrow (THU) night against Philly, and on VS next TUE against the Ducks.
  7. Can't listen at work but I will say...I COULD SURE GO FOR A SUPER MIGHTY RIGHT NOW!!! The best "Mexican" on the face of the earth!
  8. Pensacola. Cost of living is relatively cheap...good nightlife...the most beautiful white sand beaches.
  9. My wife got me started on a cheap sweet wine Blackberry Merlot by Arbor Mist. As far as a cheap bubbly type wine Red Ballatore. But you know the outcome the next day after drinking the cheap stuff...
  10. OK let me be the 1st to give it a try..."LETS GO NIAGARA"! Nope sounds like shiite!
  11. Not sure if this belongs on OTW but... Porn Fed to Viewers
  12. Here in Va Beach we use all electric. Friday I received my highest bill ever $399.57. Average monthly energy cost is about $125-$225 for a 2800sf home. But it was cold here in the last month.
  13. I do believe this belongs in the "How Often Do You Eat Out" thread.
  14. What would this have caused the market to do? Fannie Mae
  15. ChaChing! The cheapest (relative term) I've seen Blue is at the Navy Exchange Package Store for $130.00.
  16. My favorites: Irish Whiskey - Tullamore Dew Single Malt - Glenmourangie Rum - Any of the Appletons While I'm at it: Beer - Yuengling CHEERS!
  17. I've never heard of it. What network was/is it on?
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