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Everything posted by WWVaBeach

  1. Steely keeps a glass jar on the other side of the hole.
  2. dev was the very satisfied chicken!
  3. Gringo like to be tickled by freshly plucked feathers while naked midgets dance on his bed.
  4. I don't need a song. It's Friday out and it's goona be in the upper 70s all weekend!!!!!!!!!
  5. Count me out. No pool.
  6. Um they do sell beer in Spain!
  7. That reminds me of the Far Side comic with 2 deer talking and one of them has a bullseye on his chest and the other one say "Bummer of a birthmark"!
  8. Wow! That's really something.
  9. Living in Va I typically try to get to a game each year. Not this year. I love the Bills have since I was a boy and I'm now 49. I guess it might just be hangin with the Bills Backers this season. But I'm not even sure if I'll do that. One thing I know I won't do is purchase any Bills gear. As my stuff wears out I'll just have to do without. Eventually I'll have to pull the Zubas out of the closet! Go Bills!!! OBD you have let us down.
  10. UPDATE---Needs Surgery--- Link
  11. Weird response huh.
  12. So to speak
  13. I vote that someone post this home and away every week until the end of the upcoming season and then start posting the next year's etc.
  14. Wow. Surprising night.
  15. Those nuts in Ray's avatar are his actual nuts.
  16. JA thanks good roundup. You got 2 of them right, I predict Juno (cuffs) is the 3rd. Now it starts to get more interesting.
  17. And screw an opening kickoff, let's have a "scrum"!
  18. Sounds to me like they should play 7's for Cash 3.
  19. Made me think of him karate chopping...Priceline negotiator! OOPS I did it too!
  20. Isn't he on the Food Network?
  21. First of all we aren't in the "top three", but we are a possible TARGET...a friggin target! Second of all I seem to remember SD already looking into the possibility of moving north. Target!
  22. With Sir Charles
  23. For Online Pics, But Not What You Think.
  24. Octomom Porno
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