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Everything posted by WWVaBeach

  1. I was raised a Catholic...not one anymore. I changed my mind when I grew up. It can happen, I'm proof.
  2. Unfortunately that's an accurate observation on your part.
  3. She didn't interfere, she merely answered the question that was asked.
  4. He's hilarious.
  5. Not off base at all. I don't think the Miss USA Pageant was the right forum for the question in the 1st place. Or am I way off-base here?
  6. I totally agree...The Longhorns have to have more busts than any other big school.
  7. He speaketh the truth...it's just the 757 representing again!
  8. Barack Obama will appear shirtless in a magazine this month. I think many Americans will identify with him — most have lost their shirts. I think I speak for everyone when I say, “Thank God Hillary didn’t win.”
  9. USS Makin Island LHD-8 Another Video Link I'm proud to say I was in Pascagoula in Feb providing training for these sailors.
  10. 6 ft Under Brenda Chenowith Wasn't it Brenda that gave "massages"?
  11. That Depends!
  12. Chuck Mangione Concert
  13. I get my 1st one in December when I hit the big 5-0.
  14. Thanks again JA for the roundup. I missed the show tonight. ... Because I was taking a walk on the beach in Waikiki!!!
  15. A new book
  16. What A Tool.
  17. I think I might remember possibly seeing him before I joined the Navy in 1979. As someone already said the drinking age back then was 18! Either way the only thing I have left to say is ing firewall!
  18. Depending on what's happening during a players time on the course you are absolutely right. However it affects all the players on the course equally thus leveling the field so to speak.
  19. I really think it'll be Tiger.
  20. The Stephen King Book was a novella titled Different Seasons and the name of the actual story was The Body. The judges keep telling Allison to talk more, let us see more of her personality. I think she doesn't need to talk at all, when she does it shows her personality (if you know what I mean). Just sing! Thanks JA.
  21. Oh lighten up! That's some funny $hiit right there!
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