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Everything posted by WWVaBeach

  1. After thought: Jamie Foxx may just have been the best "mentor" Idol has ever used. However he never should have sung last night. What in the world is Slash going to bring to the table for the final four?
  2. I was sure the link was gonna take me to Peter Pan and I refuse to fall for that again!
  3. Adam has an awesome voice, but I can see him changing his name to Tulip or something off the wall (ala Prince). But then again I could also see him being used as the lead singer for a Queen reunion.
  4. I don't think there were any surprises other than Adam ending up in the bottom 2. I wonder if his theatrics might just be grating on some viewers. I know my wife has gotten to the point where she's had enough of him, and she loved him from the start. But now the choices get tougher.I have a feeling it's going to come down to Danny & Kris.
  5. I kinda liked Wanted but then again I was on a nine hour flight which made it the best kind of movie - FREE!
  6. Reminded me of another...Major Payne
  7. I'm not too sure his venting like this help his cause any. Marino seems to really dislike Talley. I bet it actually goes back to the game they talk about in the article.
  8. I also voted Adam West...I had no idea who Quimby was until I Googled him.
  9. I just thought of another: The Honeymooners
  10. The list I personally like Demi in Striptease Can you think of others that should be on this list?
  11. It almost sounded like they were putting it out for display for sale.
  12. 2009!
  13. Don't taze me bro!
  14. I bought one of those fancy computerized treadmills from Sears when they had them on sale. It was an $899 treadmill and I got it for $399. I use the weightloss setting which has 3 different routines at least 3 times a week (I'm 50) and since I started the 1st week of Jan I have lost 19 lbs. I wish I had discovered one of these things years ago!
  15. Some Funny Stuff Here!
  16. Happy B-Day!!
  17. I haven't watched the show in some time. What are they doing in Co?
  18. I forgot to mention how great it was that Seacrest blindsided Lil. "Come over to this side of the stage, stand right here, now go home". None of that "after the break crap".
  19. Duck! "Vargason says initial reports showed Chapman and the bondsman were armed only with paintball guns." Isn't this almost the same as bringing a knife to a gun fight?
  20. How in the world did you find this?!?!
  21. Nah...she was HOT!
  22. First of all the vote was right. Some other thoughts: The lipsynching group sings have to stop! They're getting worse each week. Why did they bring out all those octagenarians?!?! They couldn't sing back in the 70's. Lastly, My wife said KC (of the Sunshine Band) looked like a combination of James Gandolfini & Andrew Dice Clay!
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