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Everything posted by WWVaBeach

  1. Both hot but that was a terrible pic comparison. Alba's pic has more paint on it than most cars.
  2. We go here less than an hour drive. Great 600 acre campground on the Bay side of the Easter Shore. My wife is from Maryland so yeah we'll be eating some crabs this weekend too! Enjoy your trip down to the beach. 49th st is a good location, just far enough from all the tourists but close enough to the action.
  3. As I'm loading up the camper for the annual Memorial Weekend camping trip on the Eastern Shore of Va it got me wondering...any of you have any interesting plans for the kickoff to summer weekend? We've been going to the same campsite for the last 5 years just steps from the Chesapeake Bay. Got me 5 lbs of Sahlens when I was in Buffalo last week so I'm ready to go!
  4. Well that is her best ASSet!
  5. Otto's on Union & G. Urban is very good also. It's almost hard to get a "bad" fish fry in Cheektowaga.
  6. Every other season I've had a favorite, not this year (anymore). I just don't care. But I'll watch. If nothing else just to see itchy scratchy coughy girl tonight.
  7. Pretty simple, 1. Turn on TV at 9:00 Monday nights. 2. Tune to Channel 3. 3. Open eyes and watch.
  8. Great find 78! Thanks!
  9. At the end of each episode there's a long paragraph that's too long to read. I have heard that each paragraph is really it's own different story. Have any of you heard of this or actually read the paragraphs? I've googled it but no luck.
  10. My guess is the switch, they do burn out/wear out after time. How old is the house?
  11. Wish I'da known this when I was on the island last month.
  12. I personally believe the vote was just ok. Someone good (and they all are good) had to go, it happens every season. At this point I have no prediction as to who will win. Daugtry sounded good and it's about time he's putting out a new album. Excuse me...CD.
  13. Great observation. I spend the majority of my time here when I'm at my desk in the office. Just don't let the govt. know.
  14. Holy Crap! I don't know why but that made me burst out laughing!
  15. Recall Headquartered near Buffalo.
  16. Communist?!?!
  17. Conspiracy?
  18. Including Self-Defense!
  19. Pa Style
  20. Kinda going back to what I said earlier, I'm guessing he chooses Queen.
  21. Is that the one where the plane lands on the Vegas strip at the end? If so then yeah it sucked.
  22. How does an almost 3 year old thread suddenly reappear?
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