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Everything posted by WWVaBeach

  1. Used Craigslist to find man to rape wife
  2. As much as I hate to encourage you...
  3. Harrison Retires
  4. Jonas J. Hershberger, 20, of Frank Road, was charged with overdriving of animals, reckless endangerment and obstructing governmental administration. Following arraignment in Little Valley Town Court, he was sent to the county jail in lieu of $250 bail. They made that up right?
  5. I'm with ya but I have vivid memories of the swiss cheese that was supposed to be protecting our QB's the last few years. As a Bills fan you know how hard it is to forget.
  6. Not if TE doesn't have time to throw.
  7. Jack Nicholson & Kathy Bates in About Schmidt.
  8. Sounds alot like "The Wire".
  9. Already posted...See
  10. Did Ford research putting the assembly line in Buffalo? I sure don't recall that from the Buffalo history I learned as a kid.
  11. Last Known Titanic Survivor
  12. This is another one of those threads that has taken a strange turn.
  13. Um did you notice the GREEN nauseated face? I don't know about you but some gorgeous woman with big snow cones doesn't make me sick!
  14. SnoKones!!!
  15. Ouch! I didn't know about all the background info when I posted this, I just found it interesting & humorous. I could just imagine Ozzy mumbling to Sharon about lost revenues. Sorry to piss you off.
  16. Why'd the monkey fall outta the tree? 'Cause he was dead. But why'd the squirrel fall outta the tree? 'Cause he was stapled to the monkey.
  17. And he's not gonna take it anymore! Although it looks like he might just lose this one by what's in the article.
  18. I vlove the picture caption... "What a couple having an affair in a car might look like".
  19. I was pleasantly surprised. Did you see Kara's bod? Much better bikini model than judge (not a bad singer either).
  20. At least you get to kill time perusing this awesome board! Get well and get out!!
  21. Much better comparison...and I definitely agree Alba's looking hotter! But why the name calling?
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