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Everything posted by WWVaBeach

  1. I saw this on HLN this morning. I hope she suffers in jail for a long time with someone like this!
  2. Saw ELP at the Aud in the 70s!
  3. Ordered it...for my 17 year old son. Think he'll appreciate it?
  4. She looks smokin hot in that pic!
  5. They don't care if you fly naked!
  6. I'll wait...You'll do it eventually.
  7. What about Jack Kemp.
  8. 3-2 Brazil What's up with FIFA people celebrating with the guy who scored the go ahead goal?
  9. USA 2 - Brazil 0 in the 1st half!
  10. I wasn't trying at all to be sarcastic. If I came across that way then please accept my apology. I was serious about my question. The article wasn't really addressing the full NICU as much as the fact that these parents couldn't get across the border.
  11. Much nicer day here in Va Beach too...upper 80s "cold front" came through last night so like up in Richmond low humidity here too. I cut the grass today, jumped in the pool and am enjoying a COLD Corona! What a difference a day makes!
  12. Maybe I'm way off-base here but to me this is all about securing the borders (which I fully support). Sometimes common sense really should prevail. I mean what are the odds that these parents are trying to cross the Peace Bridge because they're terrorists? Has the local Buffalo media picked up on this case?
  13. $marta$$...but Nice link!
  14. Or smoke detectors!
  15. americium (m-rsh-m) Symbol Am A synthetic, silvery-white, radioactive metallic element of the actinide series that is produced artificially by bombarding plutonium with neutrons. Americium is used as a source of alpha particles for smoke detectors and gamma rays for industrial gauges. Its most stable isotope has a half-life of 7,950 years. Atomic number 95; specific gravity 11.7; valence 3, 4, 5, 6. That's right a real word that you can use! For example --- Gee Dad how does that smoke detector work?
  16. I was on demerol when I had knee surgery. I had the "button" treatment where I could self medicate by IV while I was still in the hospital (only so many doses by time), I also was given a booster shot every 4 hours. Very potent stuff!
  17. I hear ya and I just have a strange feeling we're gonna have a bad "tropical" season this year.
  18. For some reason I pictured this guy.
  19. No seriously I swear this is what happened to McCain when he mistakenly took 2 Viagras instead of aspirin.
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