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Everything posted by WWVaBeach

  1. Sorry, but don't be a Vick!
  2. There's only one way to find that out. GOOOOOO BIIIIILLLLLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. I take some comfort in knowing that I don't suffer alone.
  4. I had forgotten how poorly we were tackling in the 2nd half.
  5. Just watched America's Game-The Lost Rings 1990 Buffalo Bills on NFL Network I tried to will that friggin ball through the uprights but it was still wide right. By the time the show was over I was in tears as if it was live. 18 1/2 years later and it STILL HURTS!!! GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Um I'm not sure but I think that may just deserve a
  7. The Two and a Half Men episode where Tyler kicks the crap outta Charlie was on last night. Also I heard yesterday that Eddie VanHalen will be doing a guest spot on the show this year.
  8. I think the farmer comes out on the losing end!
  9. Great avatar...Wipe Out is a blast to watch!
  10. /dev how many times has Aerosmith cancelled or rescheduled here in Va Beach? I can think of at least 3. They rescheduled just last month because of some sort of injury/illness. It's hard to believe they're in their 60s, but then again I remember seeing them at the Aud in Buffalo in I think 78, AC/DC was the opening act.
  11. I know you didn't do it Pooj but this is an example af a perfectly good thread being hijacked yet again.
  12. I remember a radio commercial a few years back for the Fall RV Show and some octagenarians showed up looking for the Paul Harvey Show.
  13. I got an email on this yesterday morning. Someone had posted this also and before I could respond to it the WH made it go away!
  14. Honor. I have seen American Flags flying from Navy ships throughout an entire 6-7 month deployment that were in less than great shape. I also think he needs to make sure to dispose of it correctly/responsibly when he does take it down.
  15. Come on Dean lighten up. You're the one who has "Cheap shot artist" under your avatar. This isn't a personal attack against either of those women. Don't lose your sense of humor, it's what we all like about you.
  16. You are so wrong, sour cream goes with all mexican food! Now where's that sombrero avatar?
  17. HMMMM...must have disappeared when the site went down. It's a downright mystery.
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