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Everything posted by WWVaBeach

  1. I wholeheartedly agree with you. The damage has been done, but if he has a good year next year he'll make up for the $$,$$$,$$$'s he will lose by coming out this year. And man was he in some serious pain when he was hit yeaterday.
  2. LOL!
  3. Toyota?
  4. Stinky? Really? --where's that sarcasm button again?--
  5. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. What's the big deal? It's the CIA doing what the CIA does. But I will admit they scare the outta me!
  7. At least for one HS Wow!
  8. Already programmed and found this in today's USAToday.
  9. Some people are willing to try anything. Desperation!
  10. It wasn't roughing it was running into and got them 5 yds when they only needed 4. But still...*Pats suck!
  11. The ESPN radio guy?
  12. Love them. Serious old school.
  13. That's just wrong on so many levels.
  14. Living in Va Beach I don't get to see the pressers. Hard to believe an NFL QB would say something like this. Unbelievable.
  15. Sorry DC I posted my response before I read the entire thread so I pretty much said the same thing you did. If he doesn't do well tomorrow I think giving Fitz a shot may not be a bad idea. Surely can't hurt.
  16. I do believe he's shellshocked. Has been ever since he was knocked out (no pun intended) of the AZ game last year. He hasn't been the same since.
  17. They're here in Va Beach next weekend for the Neptune Festival. I've seen them many times (was stationed in Pensacola where they're home based) so we're going here next weekend instead. Beer and wenches!
  18. They actually fly the F-18 Hornet. I'm just sayin.
  19. uh uh no way nope
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