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Everything posted by WWVaBeach

  1. The announcers were saying it was a one in a million shot and that goalies try to hit that hole (no pun intended) all the time during practice and never do. He might just be Lord Brewskis second coming.
  2. Nice move by Miller at the end of the game. He inadvertantly shot the puck through a camera hole in the glass hitting a cameraman in the face. After the game he gave him his stick. Classy move by Ryan.
  3. I'm curious to see the replies. We're thinking of getting one for the family.
  4. I think it actually went from earth to the moon and back but some dumbass pilot hit it with his 747 and it broke.
  5. Or you can get a pair of Pooj.
  6. They sure did. It was actually a recorded interview w/Miller. He said he knows it's comforting to his team mates knowing he has their backs. Nothing phases him.
  7. You must be psychotic...they just talked about that.
  8. That's it exactly. Mine wasn't an all day thing, mostly early morning. The good thing is it actually will go away with time on it's own. Are you on your feet a lot? If so I would recommend getting a pair of these, pricey but worth every penny. I'm on my feet teaching 6-7 hours a day 4-5 days a week and swear by them.
  9. What a maroon.
  10. Uh uh, nope, no way.
  11. I dealt with this a few years ago. When I described the pain and when it occurred the Dr knew exactly what it was. He had me start wearing shoes with heels instead of the flip flops I love. I did that for a few months and it went away. Motrin helped also.
  12. Know next!
  13. Sabres-Leafs 7 tonight on Versus.
  14. Once had a friend that referred to them as houses with crosses on top. Just thought I'd throw that in.
  15. I think it's all a big miistake.
  16. The boardwalk in Va Beach.
  17. Always! It's Buffalo Bills football! I wasn't watching the game but was watching the "ticker" very closely.
  18. So what are your current tryptophan levels? I'm at or above the legal limit myself.
  19. Bambi with a cold?
  20. Not a shot, just stating facts. IMHO
  21. I own 2 jerseys...why does one of them have to be Lynch. But the other is Andre Reed!
  22. Very Nice! I sure miss being in that crowd.
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