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Everything posted by WWVaBeach

  1. I don't know about Belicheat but he is in partnership with Lackawanna's own Jaws.
  2. I think Hangartner might be suffering from anal leakage.
  3. I flew into Norfolk last night in the snow. If you want a real sense of how fast you're actually flying just look out the window at the snow going by at roughly 400 MPH!
  4. I've been to the Jersey shore. Does that count?
  5. Best game show ever! They filmed alot of their shows after enbibing.
  6. Or try to have a sensible conversation (albeit on the intarweb) with someone named conch.
  7. I'm all for that! I make the flight from Atlanta->Honolulu & back a few times a year and it is stressful on the body.
  8. Slow drivers in the fast lane really me off! Maryland drivers are the worst at this.
  9. in 2009 Did they miss any? I don't think all these people were actually stars.
  10. The top of his helmet hit someone square in the chest. It was a clean play he was off balance. The instant replay showed that it really compressed his neck between his shoulders. They just announced it as a sprained neck.
  11. Heading to my mother-in-law's in Md for Christmas & then heading up to Buffalo for a few days after Christmas. This will be my 1st visit back to Buffalo in the winter since 1983 or so.
  12. Speaking of the south-side do any of you remember the Langfield Projects in Buffalo? That's where I grew up as a kid and I turned out ok. BTW it's not always a choice sometimes it's a matter of circumstance. Lastly I CANNOT stand the Obamas! That is all. It's scary here in PPP.
  13. And if McKelvin didn't fumble the kickoff week one.
  14. Try SoCo next time it's surprisingly delicious! <--pretend it's nog
  15. Maybe this explains why Belicheat was in such a bad move yesterday.
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