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Everything posted by WWVaBeach

  1. I must have missed it. What was the canned line?
  2. With all he has had to endure this past year...well deserved! Way to go Lefty!!
  3. Much appreciated.
  4. I WIN I WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. A shot of Tullamore Dew!
  6. Mornin Mead. <----coffee
  7. Is it just me or is one of those dogs NOT a pitbull? BTW that woman should never again see the light of day let alone her poor son.
  8. Thanks!
  9. I was really hoping they would come to the amphitheater. And no Buffalo? WTF??
  10. everyone realized that this thread had finally lost it's way...
  11. while tucking the shiv in his skivvies...he sang...
  12. shiv the mofo!
  13. spray his new 47" LCD TV causing the channel to change to...
  14. running low due to the mass consumption of skunky...
  15. So they were protesting what was already legal?
  16. I did this when my now 17yo son was that age. Two things we did were: 1. When practicing base running have them yell out the base number ---ONE, TWO, etc. Later on you can advance them to yell FIRST, SECOND etc. 2. From day one we taught them to NOT throw the ball to someone if they're not making eye contact. Cuts down on bloody noses and such. Have fun!
  17. OK OK here ya go...
  18. According to this there were only three not counting the guy from the SD Clippers.
  19. St Gerard's sounds so familiar. I'll have to look it up. Edit-Here it is. Right where I grew up.
  20. But earlier in this season one of the players (can't remember who) mentioned his strategy from last season.
  21. If anything it'll probably capsize. Like this.
  22. This coming October will be eight years for me.
  23. I said to my wife during last season that Russell is playing the game like no one has ever played it before him and I loved it. She hated him and still does. We'll see how far he gets. These players are "better" than the one's he dealt with last season. But then again he's always thinking outside the box when they're not.
  24. There were only 2. Gil was the easy one. For me I totally had forgotten about the 2nd one but you guys didn't. After this year there will be 3!
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