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Everything posted by WWVaBeach

  1. Yuengling...pizza and Sabres hockey in HD! God Bless America!!
  2. Hey who knows, if the Gamecocks can beat the Tide maybe the Bills can...oh nevermind.
  3. Don't lump me in with the people knocking him. It's nice to see that this team has at least one player that gives a ****!
  4. Makes me glad to be living in Va Beach.
  5. IMO this couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. He always came across to me as a pompous ass.
  6. OK but did we win those "fights"?
  7. Down in the last 1+ years. But my home is worth a whole lot more than when I bought it 8 years ago. Paid 150K in 2002, next door neighbor sold their identical home for 289K 2 months ago.
  8. How in today's day and age can this possibly happen? Oh and did you mean TSA?
  9. I wouldn't be at all surprised if he asked for it.
  10. I took JK. Better leader fewer suspensions.
  11. That's why I asked the question. Maybe they're waiting for the woman's blood test results before a more severe charge.
  12. Agreed. Look at the bright side next week we go to the *Cheatriots!
  13. Seriously, why does this bother you? What has this team shown in the last 3+ years that refutes any of these thoughts? As much as I hate to admit it the GB media may just be spot on with their analysis.
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