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Everything posted by WWVaBeach

  1. What'ya mean? He looks like he's been living the good life on a beach somewhere.
  2. I don't think bigger generators would have made a difference. I think there was a catastrophic explosion in one of the engines which also double as the main or service generators. Typically on a ship there are two separate enginerooms that can be isolated quickly in the event of a casualty. My guess is that they didn't isolate quickly enough (both electrically and mechanically) which allowed the damage to spread. The electrical distribution system was definitely affected by this which caused the loss of power to all non-vital equipment. With emergency power the ship still has communications, bilge pumps (which wouldn't be needed unless the ship hit something or the explosion caused a large salt water leak), emergency lighting, radars and power to vital areas of the ship.
  3. Funniest post I have EVER read on TBD! Oh wait...you're serious?
  4. It's hard to put anything into words for this. All I can think to say is WOW. &
  5. Buoyancy & Displacement
  6. Airport scanners What's the real word in the medical community on the safety of these things? As a frequent flier I'd really like to get the straight scoop on this.
  7. The ship is watertight. There is more air in the ship than there is steel and the combination of the air/steel displaces the water. The engines have nothing to do with floating, they move the ship. Now if they were in say 20-30 foot seas then there would have been issues because the ship wouldn't be able to maneuver.
  8. Always always always get a balcony!
  9. As a retired Navy engineer I might be able to shed some light on this. These ships are equipped with a sewage system known as VCHT which is Vacuum Contaminated Holding Tank. The reason the toilets didn't work is because of the lack of power to run the vacuum pumps. As far as the cause of all this I'm guessing it was a crank case explosion in one of the diesel engines which also drive the ships electrical generators. There are a lot of redundencies built into these systems so the damage must have been very extensive. There are shipyards in SD that could handle this type of repair with no problem.
  10. Is that you Charlie Brown's teacher?
  11. All good choices. The sad part is looking at the rest of the schedule this team may just go 0-fer.
  12. Have you ever been to SD? There's a reason the cost of living is so high there. The weather! Most of us plant annuals every year. If you plant an annual in SD it actually lives forever because the weather's so nice. Will the Buffalo weather affect SM? Nah...he played at Maryland & grew up in DC. When next month gets here will he wish he was playing in SD? Maybe.
  13. Gave my brother in law a pair of silver one's for his 4-wheeler.
  14. Saw Jack Ass 3D opening weekend. I was very impressed with how far 3D has come. This ain't your father's 3D. Unfortunately I was a little let down by the movie itself. There was so much more they could have done with the 3D effects. Don't get me wrong, there are some very funny stunts in the movie, but they IMO didn't take full advantage of the 3D. My $.02
  15. RIP Mr C. 1st it was June Cleaver, now him. These things always happen in 3's.
  16. Not as far as Navy recruiters go. Right now their #1 priority is minority female recruits.
  17. Mrs WWVaBeach and I are thinking about going to either Colorado or Utah for a 5 day ski trip in December. If any of you have ever been we'd appreciate any tips or recommendations. The only real research we've done so far is for Winter Park in Co.
  18. It was a let down. When they did this on Will and Grace it was fantastic. This was a disappointment.
  19. Those live sitcoms are usually hilarious.
  20. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
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