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Everything posted by WWVaBeach

  1. Love my Rockport dress shoes for being on my feet teaching all day. Reef flip flops for not being on my feet all day!
  2. I too remember it and I was 9 at the time.
  3. That's it exactly. They talked about it on ATH. The UM field has no heating coils which means it would be like playing on concrete.
  4. Great pics Fez. I love both Barcelona and Athens. Never been to Egypt or Malta. If I'm not mistaken Brilliance is the same as Radiance, those are great ships. Welcome home and like you said, just in time!
  5. "Sometimes I say this all the time."
  6. What the hell? Clean up the mess and call it an outdoor game. That's how football was meant to be played anyway.
  7. I visited the Memorial last year and I was disgusted at the condition of the visitor center so I was glad to read this.
  8. We have the exact same issue. My wife's desk top died so we bought a new laptop and it won't recognize her iPod and wants her to start all over again. My personal feeling is that it's all a scam to force you to re-buy what you already paid for if you want the same music.
  9. Wow
  10. Wouldn't be the 1st time. Remember the SD Clippers?
  11. Who Knew?
  12. In the late 70s I worked at a place behind the the Buffalo Airport called Fridays & Saturdays and we did this every Monday night. It done was at halftime & if I remember it right it was called brick night.
  13. Nope uh uh. BTW are you going to get seasons for The Destroyers?
  14. We're up by 8% over Colts/Pats*.
  15. Nope...RW said QB in the draft.
  16. Yeah but Fergie!
  17. Wrigley Field
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