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Everything posted by WWVaBeach

  1. Yeah that carries a ton of weight.
  2. Yup Jim Harris. My link
  3. My prediction: As soon as the last 2 members of the enemy tribe are gone (next 2 weeks) Grant, Phil and Rob's hotties will then vote off Rob.
  4. I don't think he'll pull it out unless he absolutely has to. If he pulls it out (no pun intended) it'll piss off all the people that didn't know he had it but will feel they should have known.
  5. It was obvious that Probst was coached on how to carefully handle the situation. Why did they vote off the man-face woman? I didn't get that vote. Thoughts?
  6. Happy B-day Chef!
  7. I have a feeling that next week's RI 3-way battle will eliminate 2 and the 3rd will return to the game and that will be the end of RI. If I'm right we should also get our 1st jury member next week.
  8. That's chump change! They plan on spending $651,000 here in Va Beach. My tax dollars at work.
  9. They didn't do anything. She was just getting on my nerves last night. But I will say she is adorable.
  10. Sleeping in on a Sunday morning (which for me means 7am at the latest), grinding some Kona beans, pouring some fat free vanilla creamer in my cup and throwing it in the microwave to make the creamer hot, adding the Kona and sitting down to read the Sunday paper and enjoy my coffee in complete silence. I love a quiet Sunday morning.
  11. I was glad to see that father/daughter team say byebye. The father on that team got on my nerves. With the other father/daughter team Mallory is starting to get on my nerves also. At 1st I really liked them but she's starting to bother me.
  12. We're just the opposite we got $200 plus back from state but owe $123 federal.
  13. This would never have happened if the judges had any balls. All they do is praise every one of those kids. They claimed each one of them killed it the other night and I say bull%*^#! The people who vote hear this also. From now on I'll be watching Survivor on Weds (no channel flippng) & BBT/Rules of Engagement on Thu. Sorry AI you lost this viewer.
  14. I agree with everything you've said. BTW I have cruised HAL, RCL & NCL. RCL is by far our favorite. I actually have another cruise booked on Enchantment of the Seas out of Baltimore next Nov.
  15. I have not cruised HAL to Alaska but I have cruised HAL. The question I have to ask is - How old are you and your wife? This is why I ask - Four years ago I took my wife on a HAL Southern Caribbean cruise for 11 days for her 40th birthday. We were on of the 5-10 youngest couples on the ship which had 2000 passengers. I am not exagerrating when I tell you that there was walker parking at the buffet. If you're under 60 I wouldn't recommend it. Everything is tailored for an older crowd. Luxurious ship, great to amazing service but BORING. That's my $.02. Hope it helped.
  16. That as David said was a genious move. They (Rob's tribe) eliminated Matt's wishywashyness. And as his comments at the end show proved he's clueless.
  17. I'll bet this guy wishes he hadn't!
  18. for equal rights! Ya can't make this stuff up.
  19. Screw that! Once a cheater always a cheater!!
  20. I passed (missed 2) but was eating a lean pocket as I read your post.
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