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Everything posted by WWVaBeach

  1. Amazing
  2. Today!
  3. I find it entertaining. His father cracks me up.
  4. I couldn't have said it any better!
  5. If I remember correctly during the Bills SB years we won a total of ONE preseason game. I've looked it up but can't find it anywhere to confirm it.
  6. I'm in the Mid-Atlantic...Virginia Beach...Isabel was worse as far as wind, flooding and power outages. Isabel rose the water about 10 feet behind my house, took out 2 willow trees in my yard and 3 lob lolly pines in my neighbors yard, I literally saw a duck flying backward during Isabel, and I was without power for 8 days. New England got it much worse during Irene. No doubt.
  7. No major damage on the homefront. A lot of limbs down only one will need the chainsaw. Three words..."Isabel was worse".
  8. It's no fun. Lost power for about an hour. Have quite a few limbs down in my yard. The water behind my house has risen about 3 feet. It still has about 50 feet before it gets to my back door.
  9. Was awoken by high winds and rain hitting my bedroom windows...friggin Irene ...of course the 1st thing I thought of was to come here and start bitching...is it too early to start drinking?
  10. I heard on Mike & Mike this morning that when the Dr told her she told him she wants to punch him in the face.
  11. I'm working. But not double dipping. Military retirement does cover the mortgage though.
  12. I have to ask...What were you searching for when you found this?
  13. From CNN
  14. yup...but it was 39 for me.
  15. You're absolutely right, USAToday changed their original article stating that it was his nephew. It wasn't there when I posted this earlier. There's also a "Medical Marijuana Dispenser".
  16. They talked about this this morning on Mike & Mike. It was a joke.
  17. Russell's Son?
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