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Everything posted by BillsGuyInMalta

  1. I really do believe this the most accurate depiction of what is going on here. I'm a relatively young chap myself, but I remember how naive I was about money issues when I was 20 or 21 and just out of college...and nobody was throwing 30 million dollars at me.
  2. AJ Hawk and Rocky Dennis? http://cache.deadspin.com/sports/upload/20...jhawkdoofus.jpg http://ericwilliamcarroll.com/blog/wp-cont...08/ericmask.jpg
  3. Well fine then, no Pixyman for you. Now who feels foolish?
  4. Yup...thats why take the news with a grain of salt. But hey, we're all dying for new info.
  5. Is gonna have fun with that one... Pictures from The Room, Last Dragon and Pixyman every post!
  6. Apparently John Clayton claimed on ESPN that Maybin talks are "positive" and he'll report to the Bills before Monday. Just parroting what I read elsewhere. EDIT: On Sportscenter, I believe.
  7. It'll continue until Maybin signs. The way it's looking, that'll be somewhere around mid-November.
  8. Looks like they signed OLB Solomon Elimimian to replace him on the roster
  9. Billy Bob is a wee bit testy, eh? I'm at work so I can't check out your link, but rest assured I will when I return to my humble abode. Then we can embark in a witty back-and-forth debate over the merits and pitfalls of #94. And for the record, I didn't think you asked a question.
  10. If I had it my way, he wouldn't play any more preseason games. We know that TO is going to be the most prepared player on this team. Let's make sure he doesn't rush to play in meaningless games when he could just rest up and be 100% for the season.
  11. I'd like to know what Aaron Schobel thinks about Michael Vick.
  12. I called that period in my life "2001-2005"
  13. ...I'd rather not talk about my tingling in public. But you can read all about it in my latest book "BGIOP's Tingles: A Tale Of The New Generation, Volume 1". Check for it on Amazon and Borders. Macaulay Culkin writes the foreword. And as for the UPS stock...I'm only getting half a tingle, so either don't fully commit or invest in FedEx to cover all of your bases.
  14. And I find your lack of faith in my tingly feelings disturbing.
  15. Maybin signs by Friday. And I back that with absolutely zero inside information. My "common sense" powers are tingling though.
  16. It's like riding a moped...fun until your friends see you.
  17. Ugh...our franchise seems like a joke sometimes.
  18. Hank! Get back to your learning bed, mister! And get me another Red Mocho Cooler!
  19. *doing his best Super Troopers impersonation* Mother of God...
  20. Another successful thread by Crayonz!
  21. Was that sent to you by Aaron Maybin? Excuse me, Aaaron Maybin?
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