Indeed! But if its any consolation, our secondary is our strongest unit by far (...thanks, Dick ). Still though, the bright side is the Jets didnt trade for some all star OLB or DE who could really wreck havoc on our crappy O-Line, they brought in a soon-to-be-suspended WR who our secondary can match up well with. Lets remember that Jairus Byrd single-handily made Braylon Edwards look foolish last year by out-hustling him on two plays that ended up netting INTs.
As another sidenote, it should be interesting to see how this talent meshes together. Clearly they're aiming for the SB with the name power they've brought in this year (Holmes, Tomlinson and Cromartie) but with all 3 of them, their original teams were desperate to get rid of them because of their work ethic and lack of production. I respect them for taking chances but this could easily blow up in their faces.