Please dont die on us Stl. I watched a friend try that last year and the result quickly went from hilarious to "I hope he doesn't pass out".
If you do end up dying though, I'd like to stake claim to your avatar.
Looks like we're gearing up to run John out of here like we did with Tim Graham. Be mad over the fact that Cushing the Cheater won the DROY, but don't blame the AP.
Blame the 18 ostriches who stuck their heads in the sand and voted for him a second time.
Ugh, that sucks man.
I'm sure, as other posters have already said, you'll end up much better in the long run though. Try and clear your head the best you can.
The latest on Cushing's positive test. According to Schefter:
Here it is: Brian Cushing tested positive for slightly elevated levels of hCG (a non-steroidal substance produced naturally by the body).
More hCG: it is in seminal fluid and slightly elevated levels can be discovered in the event that a test occurs soon after ejaculation.
However, what Schefter has failed to mention is that hCG is often used at the end of steroid cycles to return testosterone to the body.
EDIT: He just mentioned it on his latest tweet about how hCG is often found in steroid abusers.
hCG can be produced naturally; however it is also on banned lists 'cause it is known agent during steroid cycling.
I almost forgot about Rodney Wright...didn't he crash his van into a street pole and then ran away? I dont know why, but that image is hilarious to me.
They sure did, basically guaranteeing that Marvel never has to worry about film budgets or marketing ever again.
I'd like them to bring in Ant Man or the Wasp into the Avengers movie, at least to get all of the original Avengers involved.