I should probably rephrase my earlier statement, I'm more concerned Prokhorov is going to turn into another Danny Snyder or (please no) Donald Sterling. Time will tell...unfortunately Prokhorov's reputation proceeds him. He's widely known as a guy who LOVES to flaunt his wealth and I'm terrified of the Nets becoming the "offseason champions" year after year with high profile signings and not enough team chemistry to put together a sustained run.
I do not doubt his ability to bring in free agents as his money will surely keep them interested, but bringing in the right free agents is far more important than name recognition. A part of me is also nervous that he, because of his history, will meddle and not let the front office do its job.
I am happy with the new Net coaching staff, I've always liked Avery Johnson and Sam Mitchell is a perfect fit as an assistant coach.
If Lebron somehow ends up a Net, I'll be ecstatic of course. If he doesn't, I'd focus on a guy like David Lee who brings the effort and quietly dominates.