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Everything posted by BillsGuyInMalta

  1. I wonder why the Bills have been so quiet about their UDFA signings, havent seen an official list yet. I mean we know they landed some good ones with Nance and Neill, you'd figure they'd whore that off to the public as quickly as they could. They'll all need new numbers too...
  2. Are you kidding? A week after the draft ESPN puts Mel Kiper back in his cryo-pod to recover. He'll be thawed out in January, like always.
  3. Its going to be a good series, but the Sabres looked great the last two regular season games against Ottawa, I think we'll give them fits. Sabres in 6.
  4. Sig away my brotha, sig away! Its a weird feeling to actually feel good about your team in the playoffs, isnt it? I'm so used to not even HAVING playoff games with our Buffalo teams, let alone looking great in them.
  5. Well...make that 6-1, Buffalo scores again. Still though, I'm very anti-prod. Do not prod! Prodding leads to combustible engines, dancing and make-out parties.
  6. Dont prod the bear...5-1, Flyers score. Too much celebrating with plenty of time left. There is a spark for Philly.
  7. You'd figure at this point even Cheney has to recognize that he's got some super villian in him. Nothing wrong with that, some of my best friends are super villians.
  8. The other two games in Philly we've seen a much different Sabres team. Sluggish, looking a bit lost out there, unsure of themselves. Tonight's version is definitely playing with a lot of fire out there. Instead of merely wanting to win, you get the impression their mindset is "Thats it, it ends tonight".
  9. Cant wait, and you GOT to love Kevin Spacey as Lex Luthor...if there was ever such a thing as perfect casting, thats it. I'm also patiently waiting for X3 to hit the theaters and of course...Spider-Man 3. Once I heard that Venom was in it...thats it, game over man...I knew that I'd be seeing that flick on opening day.
  10. Just the first period gents, dont get too excited. Remember, we've all seen this team blow leads before, especially on the road...they still have two more periods to play. Sabres got to maintain the lead and keep playing strong, none of us should be looking to Round 2 just yet (you'd figure we, as Buffalo fans, would know its best not to celebrate until the final gun/buzzer.)
  11. Scoring first has never been the problem in this series, its holding onto that lead that's been killing us. Lets see if we can build on this and keep it going for the entire game instead of just the first period.
  12. Yeah grrrr...stupid people with their unpopular but mainstream opinions on our draft. People HAVE to stop caring about what other people think about our draft. Either you like it or you dont, the good news is everyone's right until the players hit the field in September.
  13. Youboty needs no new nicknames...for he will always be the Booty Man.
  14. Kind of like how Kerry Collins wanted to solve his drinking problem by going to New Orleans...no temptation to drink there.
  15. What a perfect home for that scumbug...the cancer keeps spreading down in Miami.
  16. Offensive Megastar (from the University of Nebraska at Omaha) WR Chris Denney just signed a UDFA deal with us. http://gomavs.unomaha.edu/full_headline.php?headline_id=2190
  17. You know what player reminded me of Will Wolford? Will Wolford.
  18. Dear God, dont we have enough secondary players yet?
  19. I agree...very impressed with him coming out of college. If he's over that injury, he's going to be a great red-zone target for whoever starts at QB. Very smart signing.
  20. I was about to say, Mel didnt like the McCargo pick but gave us props for all the later selections we made. Even the Whitner pick, Mel had him going at #16 in the first so its not like it was a huge jump as everyone made it out to be.
  21. Psshh, you'd figure we as Bills fans would have grown tougher skin by now. And I'm sure its far too late to join the debate since its probably been done hundreds of times in the last 48 hours, but I love the Whitner pick (even at #8 where they got him). Dislike the McCargo pick tremendously. Really liked the rest of the draft from Round 3 onwards. Didnt go O-Line early like I thought but picked up some damn joygasmic players along the way.
  22. Is that really news? I thought we all figured that out when they proclaimed that Akili Smith was going to be the next Warren Moon.
  23. *stumbles in wearing a Hawaiian shirt and a straw hat* Hey guys, just got back from my 3-day vacation, how did the Bills draft go...did...they...whoa... Why do I have the feeling I'm walking through the rubble of what USED to be The Wall? Should I even asked how everyone reacted or can I just guess? I didnt have internet connection for 3 days and all I could think about watching the Draft was how The Wall must have imploded Good to see everyone is still breathing.
  24. Poor Yatil. "I'm ready to be a star in the NFL..." *CRACK* Broken leg, out for the season. "Now that I'm back from my injury, I'm going to be great in the..." *CRACK* Breaks other leg, out for the season. "Okay, this time I really mean it guys... *CRACK* Breaks shoulder, out for his career. I do actually feel sorry for Yatil Green, kind of like how I feel bad for ol' Ki-Jana Carter. Not really their fault their NFL careers bombed, just bad luck.
  25. Jay Cutler or ANY first round WR (Holmes, Moss, Jackson).
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