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Everything posted by BillsGuyInMalta

  1. http://www.apple.com/trailers/sony_pictures/spider-man_3/ Oh man...am I excited...
  2. Evans Price Reed Parrish Davis Nance
  3. http://www.omgpwned.net/pics/owned/yakcar.jpg
  4. They arent that bad, but its still nothing I'd want to wear out in public. The whole swooping stripe thing is kind of obnoxious, and they do have this "Penguins Jersey That Got Bleached In The Washer" type of look to them. But still, not AS bad as some of the pro sports uniform abortions that already exist.
  5. Here's hopin' the kid does well.
  6. BLITZ the middle!
  7. I say we make the next Survivor about the biggest failures/flops in Bills history. So who's the greatest failure of them all. Who wouldnt love to vote on the dream match of Friggin Lonnie against Chris Watson?
  8. I love the idea of a really obscure Bills player up on the banner. Make it hilarious. Make it pointless. Make it Joe Burns.
  9. No pressure on Vince Young or anything Looks like we'll get the Billy Volek-led Titans this season, unless Young explodes out of the gates.
  10. And hell, he's an angry drunk with road rage...sounds like he'll fit in perfect with us Bills fans.
  11. I actually really like this trade. Euhus was going to be the odd man out of our TE rotation anyways (what with Everett hopefully coming back in good health and BB.com pimping off Cieslek every chance they get). Watson will at least help bolster our LB corps. If he keeps his head screwed on straight, we got ourselves a nice new addition.
  12. Joshua Cooper = Son of Satan. Damn 6/6/06 signee!
  13. WHOOOOOOOOOO! SUUUUUUPERBOWL! http://www.nfl.com/players/playerpage/494506
  14. I dont think Art Monk should get in either. He only made three Pro Bowls out of his 16 year career. Compare that with Andre (7 times) and Cris Carter (8 times). Even Michael Irvin, who played a handful of less years than Monk did, made the Pro Bowl more times with 5 selections. Monk racked up the stats for sure, but he never truly dominated. Hall of Very Good, not Hall of Fame.
  15. Venture Brothers, Season One. Oh yes, its delicious.
  16. He already had a chance to do that when he played with the Redskins a few years back. Bills knocked the crap out of him when the Skins plugged him into the game.
  17. I think we've tried to bring in Bannister twice...once when he was a RFA and last year when he was a UFA. I know I've seen his name pop up with the Bills a few times over the last two years.
  18. Grier and Teppo will easily re-sign with us. Teppo wants one more year gunning for the Cup and Grier is uber-comfortable where he is. McKee, as everyone knows already...is going to be issue. He's probably good enough to fetch 4-5 million on the open market with the idiotic deals that have been floating around. Methinks he's gone sadly.
  19. Things will lighten up once Bills Traning Camp starts...it always does here on The Wall...its especially calm after the first preseason game.
  20. I think a good comparison can be made between this team's chances next year to the 2002-2003 Tampa Bay Lightning. That year, Tampa Bay really shocked the world with how well they played and look great in the playoffs...but eventually the inexperience and minor injuries knocked them down. But everyone KNEW that Tampa Bay the following season, using everything they learned in 2002-2003, would go far in the playoffs. The 2003-2004 season as we all know, Tampa Bay won the Cup. Taking it out of the NHL world for a second, its like the same vibe that I'm sure Steelers fans had last year. They had a great young team that lost the Conference Finals in 2004...but you KNEW that team was the start of something big. In 2005...Superbowl Victory. It stings that we lost in Game Seven, but I think history (and the fact almost everyone will be back) tells us that the Sabres will most likely get even better next season. Scary thought for the rest of the NHL. Great news for us Buffalo fans.
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