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Everything posted by BillsGuyInMalta

  1. Why even field a team this year with Donte Whitner missing a week of camp? I dont really see a point in even trying to play in the NFL. Time to just fold the team down here in Buffalo and ship em' off to LA. Curse you Donte! Curse you and your levels of hell!
  2. Anyone who votes for Frank Reich needs to be smacked upside the head with a dead trout. Just Sayin' But I ended up voting for Rob, just because the pain of watching him stumble his way through our starting QB spot was spread out over a couple of years. Todd Collins may have had more concentrated crappyness, but at least it was brief. Rob just held on and sapped the life right out of the franchise, plus I used to turn the TV off when I saw him in the shotgun formation...because I KNEW he was going to get sacked. So in the lexicon of bad Bills QBs, Rob sneaks out ahead...then gets dropped for a 5 yard loss and fumbles the ball away.
  3. I said a deal would get done on Friday. So I was a day off, sue me. Great news, and since I'm going to be at Bills camp on Wed...I get to see him...boo-yeah grandma. Boo-yeah.
  4. Depends...does the rug really tie the room together?
  5. My mother is a huge fan of the Bills and has been since the early 70s, growing up it was just kind of natural that I became one too. I really got into it in 1990...so I was just in time for the SB years.
  6. Worst Uniform in the NFL? Meet Best Uniform in the NFL.
  7. According to the main page, the Bills and Whitner are only 1.1 million dollars away from a contract. In terms of NFL money, thats nothing at all. I bet something gets done by Friday.
  8. THROWBACK UPDATE: As those who were in attendance at the night practice may have noticed the Bills were wearing their throwback helmets. I've also learned that the Bills 1965 throwback jerseys will be making a comeback this season. They'll be worn in two games and I know that one of them will be the opener. I know a lot of you were wondering about that so you've been officially updated. If I hear what the other game is I'll let you know.
  9. With some of the deals that the arbitrator seems to just be randomly handing out, he might have gotten even more. Great deal for the Sabres...lets see if they keep him now or if this is the first step of a sign and trade.
  10. Hmmmmm...his contract numbers should be VERY interesting. I think this spells the end of Dumont in Buffalo.
  11. Seems like damaged goods. http://www.baltimoresun.com/sports/footbal...sports-football
  12. Kingsbury + Burns + Aiken = Superbowl.
  13. Good news, I also like to hear that he's going to try and make it to the afternoon practice. I doubt that he can pull that off, but the effort is nice to see.
  14. That Marv picture is friggin great! He's got this "Yep...I'm back...what are you gonna do about it?" look on his face that cracks me up.
  15. Hey, third time HAS to be the charm now for PTS! (I keeeed, I keeeed)
  16. I just remember that one Conan show where, while doing his "In The Year 2000" sketch, he said: "In the year 2000, Clay Aiken will reveal to the world that he is Batman." Followed by... "In the year 2000, Batman will reveal to the world that he is gay."
  17. They still picked him too early, clearly he's a failure and always will be...
  18. "He's a top 5 corner, we can't win without him" That would imply we could win WITH him...
  19. We cant catch a break with the media, can we?
  20. Ah Toast. How I miss thee... I was watching a game at a bar in 2002 I think and they showed Watson running in place...and losing his balance. I just slapped my forehead and told my friend next to me "Why do I get the feeling we'll be seeing a lot of the back of Toast's jersey in this game as he tries to catch up to his blown coverage?"
  21. Honestly, before the schedule I came out I was planning a huge trip with my college buddies to check out that game. For some odd reason, there are a lot of Titans fans where I'm going to grad school (either that or they just gravitate towards me) so we were really looking forward to going. Then I find out its on Christmas Eve... Which completely killed it for me. Ah well.
  22. I do think the Bills will be pretty bad this year. How bad? Bottom 10, EASY. But they wont be the worst, they just wont. Look at a team like the Niners, completely devoid of ANY talent whatsoever with iffy coaching. As bad as we are, we at least have decent players who just sadly underachieved last year. The Niners really dont have much. We'll blow, but not #1 overall.
  23. Mother...of...God... http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/multimedi.../content.9.html What the? Did Portis draw the short stick for this photo shoot?
  24. I actually second that. Got a strange feeling he's going to start and do very well for us.
  25. Got two stories for you. Me and my roommates were headed to this frat party last year, but all of us had our reservations because it was at RPI which is a predominantly male school. We went anyways just to check it out and when we got back a friend of mine asked me about the women there. I replied "Well, let me put it this way...there was a lot of women, but very few of them there". Also, worst drunk-dialing experience of my life came when I had to knock the cell phone out my buddy's hand when he was piss-drunk and screaming "I KNOW SHE'S UGLY, BUT WHO CARES!?" about his current girlfriend. Apparently he wanted to call her and tell her that gem. I had to hide his phone in the freezer so he couldnt call her. Last month, he ended up marrying that girl and I was his best man...I'd be lying to you if I said I didnt chuckle to myself a couple of times thinking about that night.
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